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Nikon Fieldscope III (1 Viewer)


United States
Hi all,
I'm pretty new to birding and not very knowledgable about optics or gear, but I just got a second hand spotting scope. From what I can tell it is a Nikon Fieldscope III, 60mm, angled view with a 20x- 45x eyepiece.
I think the eyepiece got damaged in shipping(or the seller lied about condition). There is visible cracking in the glass and a loose ring inside that can sometimes obscure the view. I'm going to see if it can be repaired, but I was wondering if replacement eyepieces are available at all? And what I would need to look for to make sure a new eyepiece will fit?
I was also wondering if there is any way to look up the serial number to tell the year of production?
Thank you
Replacement eyepieces are widely available used and some can still be found new. Personally I prefer the fixed magnification wide field eyepieces to the zooms, but the zooms are good. Some of the newer ones will be marked with three magnifications, as they can be used on the ED82 ED50 as well as the 60mm Fieldscope.
I guess I'm just a bit nervous about getting something used that won't fit. I've read on here that eyepieces for the fieldscope i won't fit the ii or iii, and that there are newer fieldscope models that also won't fit. Is there an easy way to tell what works? specific model numbers, etc?
If the scope is undamaged, it is a very good scope indeed. The eyepiece, on the other hand, is the least good among the eyepieces that fit the scope. The 20-60x zoom is already better, and the wide-angle eyepieces are excellent, especially the 24x and the 30x. I would not bother trying to have the 20-45x fixed, but would try to get a price reduction to compensate for the damaged zoom.
If the scope is undamaged, it is a very good scope indeed. The eyepiece, on the other hand, is the least good among the eyepieces that fit the scope. The 20-60x zoom is already better, and the wide-angle eyepieces are excellent, especially the 24x and the 30x. I would not bother trying to have the 20-45x fixed, but would try to get a price reduction to compensate for the damaged zoom.
Thanks! This is all very helpful!
I'd like to have it all working nicely by April 9th, for a group birdwalk I'm planning. I have no idea how much repair might cost, but replacements all seem to be upwards of $200. I already paid $350 (shipped) for the scope and tripod, so if I get a new eyepiece am I creeping towards price of a comparable new scope?
I'm seeing better prices on eyepieces for the "prostaff fieldscope". Will those fit? I assume not.
I've been looking at this one with the zoom and this 30x fixed. Are these likely to fit?
Thanks again!
Thanks! This is all very helpful!
I'd like to have it all working nicely by April 9th, for a group birdwalk I'm planning. I have no idea how much repair might cost, but replacements all seem to be upwards of $200. I already paid $350 (shipped) for the scope and tripod, so if I get a new eyepiece am I creeping towards price of a comparable new scope?
I'm seeing better prices on eyepieces for the "prostaff fieldscope". Will those fit? I assume not.
I've been looking at this one with the zoom and this 30x fixed. Are these likely to fit?
Thanks again!

I'm getting a deadlink on the zoom, but the 30x should be fine - do note though I don't think it's the Wide-Field version (not terribly narrow) and I think has the simple coatings. You're right Prostaff eyepieces won't fit.
That zoom would work and would be good. The 30x I'm not sure of, that is not the wide-angle one commonly used with the ED field scopes, and looks like it is in a bit crappy shape.
I'm getting a deadlink on the zoom, but the 30x should be fine - do note though I don't think it's the Wide-Field version (not terribly narrow) and I think has the simple coatings. You're right Prostaff eyepieces won't fit.
Thanks! This is all very helpful!
I'd like to have it all working nicely by April 9th, for a group birdwalk I'm planning. I have no idea how much repair might cost, but replacements all seem to be upwards of $200. I already paid $350 (shipped) for the scope and tripod, so if I get a new eyepiece am I creeping towards price of a comparable new scope?
I'm seeing better prices on eyepieces for the "prostaff fieldscope". Will those fit? I assume not.
I've been looking at this one with the zoom and this 30x fixed. Are these likely to fit?
Thanks again!
That is precisely the zoom you want! Getting it new is optimal. Keep away from that 30x fixed, Kimmo's advice is good.
I have a Fieldscope III since 2000, it's not my main scope but definitely great and compact. and it is waterproof. And it has always been very convenient. Nikon has among the best scope optics. The only drawback is the limited FOV.
Thanks! This is all very helpful!
I'd like to have it all working nicely by April 9th, for a group birdwalk I'm planning. I have no idea how much repair might cost, but replacements all seem to be upwards of $200. I already paid $350 (shipped) for the scope and tripod, so if I get a new eyepiece am I creeping towards price of a comparable new scope?
I'm seeing better prices on eyepieces for the "prostaff fieldscope". Will those fit? I assume not.
I've been looking at this one with the zoom and this 30x fixed. Are these likely to fit?
Thanks again!
Was THIS what you bought? I agree with others, the MCII 20-60X eyepiece is superior to the 20-45 one, but with the caveat that it is on an ED Fieldscope.

I have compared the Fieldscope III side by side to the Fieldscope III ED. Aside from being more vivid in colors (more saturated really) the ED version also shows razor sharp images to maximum magnification at 60x with no color bleed.

The non ED Fieldscope looks more washed out (less saturated) and the image starts to break down compared to the ED version starting at about 40X.

So yes, the MCII 20-60 zoom is better, but in my opinion only when on the ED Fieldscope.

Honestly, unless the seller would refund you a significant chunk to pay for a new zoom, I would return the whole setup and look for an Fieldscope III ED with 20-60 eyepiece.

I bet you could find an ED III Fieldscope on here, or Rokslide, or another forum for not too much more with the 20-60X eyepiece. Make a wanted ad and weed out the scammers and off to the races! Or, alternatively, you could end up with an ED 50 Fieldscope which would have superior colors again but an inferior build to the Fieldscope III (they are tanks).

My own opinion is of course, my own, and not the perfect solution.

Or honestly THIS from @eitanaltman might be the best route to go. Lower magnification yes, but transferable lifetime warranty, extremely small and lightweight, and better (to my eyes) than the non ED Fieldscope III.
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Was THIS what you bought? I agree with others, the MCII 20-60X eyepiece is superior to the 20-45 one, but with the caveat that it is on an ED Fieldscope.

I have compared the Fieldscope III side by side to the Fieldscope III ED. Aside from being more vivid in colors (more saturated really) the ED version also shows razor sharp images to maximum magnification at 60x with no color bleed.

The non ED Fieldscope looks more washed out (less saturated) and the image starts to break down compared to the ED version starting at about 40X.

So yes, the MCII 20-60 zoom is better, but in my opinion only when on the ED Fieldscope.

Honestly, unless the seller would refund you a significant chunk to pay for a new zoom, I would return the whole setup and look for an Fieldscope III ED with 20-60 eyepiece.

I bet you could find an ED III Fieldscope on here, or Rokslide, or another forum for not too much more with the 20-60X eyepiece. Make a wanted ad and weed out the scammers and off to the races! Or, alternatively, you could end up with an ED 50 Fieldscope which would have superior colors again but an inferior build to the Fieldscope III (they are tanks).

My own opinion is of course, my own, and not the perfect solution.

Or honestly THIS from @eitanaltman might be the best route to go. Lower magnification yes, but transferable lifetime warranty, extremely small and lightweight, and better (to my eyes) than the non ED Fieldscope III.
That is the one I got. the seller is only offering $150 back if I return the scope (and keep the tripod). So not sure if that's really worth it. I'm might just try to work with what I have for now. As a beginner I'm not super concerned with perfect image quality, which is why I was looking at cheaper used scopes. I have been unable to find the wide 24x or 30x for sale anywhere.
I really should have asked around on here before bidding on the one I got, I was kind of expecting to get outbid since it was sitting at my max bid for a while before the auction ended.
Was THIS what you bought? I agree with others, the MCII 20-60X eyepiece is superior to the 20-45 one, but with the caveat that it is on an ED Fieldscope.

I have compared the Fieldscope III side by side to the Fieldscope III ED. Aside from being more vivid in colors (more saturated really) the ED version also shows razor sharp images to maximum magnification at 60x with no color bleed.

The non ED Fieldscope looks more washed out (less saturated) and the image starts to break down compared to the ED version starting at about 40X.

So yes, the MCII 20-60 zoom is better, but in my opinion only when on the ED Fieldscope.

Honestly, unless the seller would refund you a significant chunk to pay for a new zoom, I would return the whole setup and look for an Fieldscope III ED with 20-60 eyepiece.

I bet you could find an ED III Fieldscope on here, or Rokslide, or another forum for not too much more with the 20-60X eyepiece. Make a wanted ad and weed out the scammers and off to the races! Or, alternatively, you could end up with an ED 50 Fieldscope which would have superior colors again but an inferior build to the Fieldscope III (they are tanks).

My own opinion is of course, my own, and not the perfect solution.

Or honestly THIS from @eitanaltman might be the best route to go. Lower magnification yes, but transferable lifetime warranty, extremely small and lightweight, and better (to my eyes) than the non ED Fieldscope III.
I'm very new to the forum here. Is there a place to ask if anyone has the right eyepiece for sale?

sorry to hear that - seems you got a very sturdy tripod with an ok scope body and a defective EP - if all was well I would have called it a good buy. Maybe ask the seller for a $100 refund for the EP and then maybe agree to $80...

As for keeping the tripod and head for $150, I'm not so sure... It is certainly quite sturdy and tall but also quite heavy at 3.7kg for both - and the 3 way head is not as good as a fluid head for birding... Also I can buy the current version of this kit new for 180€ over here... so $150 for used looks a bit expensive...

Thanks everyone!
I did end up getting a partial refund to help offset the cost of replacing the eyepiece. You all have been extremely helpful. I'm getting a quote to repair the 20-45x but will probably end up getting a whole new eyepiece.
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