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Nikon P950 vs Canon SX70; also, 'International'? (1 Viewer)

Charlie Spencer

Active member
United States
I'll open with the easier question. I often see a camera marked 'International version' priced 15% or more less than the same model that isn't specifically marked as 'International', on the same web site. What's an 'International version' and should I care?

Okay, here's the harder one. I want to replace my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ70. The autofocus is too slow at max zoom, and the manual focus is too cumbersome. I want something with comparable reach but is an improvement in these two areas.

I use a camera to A) take photos of what I couldn't identify in the field so I can research them at home, B) keep a record of what I've seen, C) use the zoom capabilities for birds outside the range of my binos. I'm after functional photos more than artistic ones. The images will be viewed exclusively on large computer monitors, and uploaded to eBird / Macauley. They won't be printed.

So, Nikon CoolPix P950 or Canon PowerShot SX70? I have to keep reminding myself of my two big complaints with the FZ70: the autofocus is slow and the manual focus is cumbersome. Any thoughts regarding the P950 and SX70 in terms of autofocus speed and ease of manual focus?

Thanks in advance!
The easy first question was answered on Amazon.com the other day, namely 'International Version means it was not made for the U.S. market.' This is potentially more of a problem for things like phones than cameras, put another way its a grey import. In the UK it can have effects on potential warranty, things like the wrong mains plug, be the wrong voltage and potentially not have the certifications of the local version. By buying wherever it is cheapest in the world, savings are made. Sometimes - as in cars - it can be the only way to get a particular model. You have to balance the potential risks against the financial savings.

I have purchased cameras in the past that turned out to qualify for this term, with no problems other than the wrong power lead and the start-up menu in Chinese, photocopied English documentation and no warranty other than that offered by the seller. The seller hadn't bothered to point out these minor problems before selling them to me. In both these cases, once reconfigured, they worked fine.

As to your second question.....I havn't owned either, so cannot comment.
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So, Nikon CoolPix P950 or Canon PowerShot SX70? I have to keep reminding myself of my two big complaints with the FZ70: the autofocus is slow and the manual focus is cumbersome. Any thoughts regarding the P950 and SX70 in terms of autofocus speed and ease of manual focus?
What did you decided and are you happy with your choice?
What did you decided and are you happy with your choice?
I wound up with the Sony RX10 iv. I'm happy with it so far. The viewfinder is much sharper than my older Panny. The larger sensor required a sacrifice of zoom range but the resulting images are sharper too. The autofocus is faster and more accurate. The manual focus uses a ring around the barrel instead of a wheel on the case, making manual focusing much, MUCH easier.

I'm not getting full value from it yet but I'm already getting better shots than with the Lumix.
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