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NL Pure - A close look, with pictures! (1 Viewer)

Will K

Too well-known member
United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

Well, I finally took the plunge and bought an NL Pure (12x42 - the big one!)

Their optical qualities are well-known and widely debated, of course, but I thought that some people might be interested in taking a closer look at some of the physical details of the binos themselves.

For those of you who have yet to check them out in-person, here are a few intimate views. Hope you find them interesting!

Hi everyone,

Well, I finally took the plunge and bought an NL Pure (12x42 - the big one!)

Their optical qualities are well-known and widely debated, of course, but I thought that some people might be interested in taking a closer look at some of the physical details of the binos themselves.

For those of you who have yet to check them out in-person, here are a few intimate views. Hope you find them interesting!

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Excellent! I had a brief test and couldn't believe how stable it was on my hand compared with other 12x bino and it feels exactly like the 10x42 EL
Very nice review,but it would be better,if you write also your personal experience (good and bad).
I’d love to!

I’ll use them for a while and post something new when I’ve had more time in the field. I’m far from an optics expert, but I’ll give an honest and subjective user’s opinion.

So far, the only thing I don’t like about them is the staggering price!! My wallet will be aching for months.
In some comments, i read, that the NL pure has a little problem with condensation on eye pieces, when it is use in cold weather. I am interested if has this problem more users.
In some comments, i read, that the NL pure has a little problem with condensation on eye pieces, when it is use in cold weather. I am interested if has this problem more users.

Thanks for the suggestion. It is certainly cold here in the UK at the moment! So, if I notice anything like that, I'll take note.
In some comments, i read, that the NL pure has a little problem with condensation on eye pieces, when it is use in cold weather. I am interested if has this problem more users.
I have both the 8x & 10x (42) NL and have never experienced this issue. I’m typically using them 2/3 hours, often longer, up to 5 days a week on 3 to 5 mile walks. I’m also a glasses wearer; not sure whether this may make a difference.
I have both the 8x & 10x (42) NL and have never experienced this issue. I’m typically using them 2/3 hours, often longer, up to 5 days a week on 3 to 5 mile walks. I’m also a glasses wearer; not sure whether this may make a difference.
I think, this may make a difference if you are a glasses wearer, because warm from your face is stopped with a glasses.
In cold you have to avoid breathing on the eye lenses too, if you're exhaling as you bring them up to your face that could fog them, takes some self-training to avoid it
In some comments, i read, that the NL pure has a little problem with condensation on eye pieces, when it is use in cold weather. I am interested if has this problem more users.
Everything has “a little problem with condensation” when it is cold and sealed up in a small chamber with a warm, moist eyeball.
Všechno má „trochu problém s kondenzací“, když je to studené a uzavřené v malé komoře s teplou, vlhkou oční bulvou.Všechno má „trochu problém s kondenzací“, když je to studené a uzavřené v malé komoře s teplou, vlhkou oční bulvou.
Je to pravda, ale něco víc a něco míň.

I thought I'd add some more pics to the thread, just to cover a few more perspectives and details.

I couldn't find this kind of detail online when I was thinking about buying one, so I hope folks in a similar situation are finding this useful!


(Serial number redacted. Not sure if that's necessary, but better safe than sorry!)
In some comments, i read, that the NL pure has a little problem with condensation on eye pieces, when it is use in cold weather. I am interested if has this problem more users.
I have that problem and it seems worse than some others. I use and like the forehead rest and in cold mornings I screw in the eyecups and use just the forehead rest. The increased air circulation helps a lot.
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