even on Allbinos, the NL pures win by a tiny margin compared to the SF: 162.5 vs 162.3 (8x32)Allbinos say it is true
even on Allbinos, the NL pures win by a tiny margin compared to the SF: 162.5 vs 162.3 (8x32)Allbinos say it is true
nah he just call it chinese junk and piece of S*** 😀You'll love the new Sky Rover Banner Cloud then. You ought to try one.
so. Vanguards is totally better with more WOW factor then leica UV?"All binos put more focus on flat field bino. I won't say it is perfectly wrong, but because of them some odd thing happen.
such as Vanguard Endeavor ED2 10x42 won on points compared to Leica UVHD+ 10x42"
Of course, the Vanguard would win over the Leica. The Vanguard is a more modern flat field design with sharper edges. Leica hasn't changed their old-fashioned optical design in 30 years.
Yes, but a win it is! The NL is the ONLY binocular with a huge FOV and edges tack sharp right up to the diaphragm and you notice it when you use it. From Allbinos.even on Allbinos, the NL pures win by a tiny margin compared to the SF: 162.5 vs 162.3 (8x32)
Blurring at the edge of the FOV | By and large sharpness remains the same up to the very diaphragm, very nicely cut off. | 10/10.0 |
Blurring at the edge of the FOV | The blur occurs in the distance of 97% +\- 2% from the center of the field of view. A very slight blurry area visible only near the very diaphragm. | 10/10.0 |
you said EL is sharper then NL at the edge and NL sharper at egde then SF... and the points are same.Yes, but a win it is! The NL is the ONLY binocular with a huge FOV and edges tack sharp right up to the diaphragm and you notice it when you use it.. From Allbinos.
Swarovski NL 8x32
Blurring at the edge of the FOV By and large sharpness remains the same up to the very diaphragm, very nicely cut off. 10/10.0
Zeiss SF 8x32
Blurring at the edge of the FOV The blur occurs in the distance of 97% +\- 2% from the center of the field of view. A very slight blurry area visible only near the very diaphragm. 10/10.0
no, I think I got it right.You should brush up on your English! The question was pertaining to how close the NL was to the SF in points on Allbinos. An EL was not even in the didiscussion.
what about former posts you made about Central sharpenss and CA control is best on Zeiss?Depends upon if Swarovski comes out with a newer model. Swarovski's are usually going to be the best and as much as the Zeiss fanboys hate to admit it they know it is true!![]()
This is stupid and insulting. How is your Korean?You should brush up on your English! You confuse people with your posts.
Obviously you aren't paying attention to what you keep obliging jackjack to say about his methods. It's not just photos and subjective impressions. What can be measured objectively, with resolution charts etc, he does; what is truly subjective, there could be no point in arguing about. And yet you keep going on like this.I didn't realize at first every review he does is just subjective opinions of what he sees through the binoculars with his own eyes and I woke up to the fact that the pictures tell you nothing because there are too many variables in photography.
Indeed, what about... what about... what about...?what about former posts you made about Central sharpenss and CA control is best on Zeiss?
The NL's are best for me because I like a big FOV that is tack sharp to the edge, and they are the ONLY binoculars that have that. Not even the Zeiss SF do. The NL's are my most used binoculars because they are the only ones I have. The NL 8x32 and the NL 10x32. Because the NL's are the only binoculars that have a huge FOV combined with a perfectly corrected field and a lot of other things like a super smooth focuser, smooth steel eye cups and an excellent ergonomically shaped body makes me agree with Allbinos that they are the best binoculars available right now. They may not be the best for you, but overall I think for most people they are the best. I have had plenty of time to try all my binoculars before I make a decision as to what I prefer.Denco,
Some of us use Noctivid a lot, others SF, others NL Pure or EDG, Ultravid, SLC, HT, FL, HG, ETC.
In reality there is simply no best binocular, only the most used! What are your most used binoculars? None, because you change them very often. You don't have time to really get to know and love the binoculars because of your constant indecision! You have had experiences with all the good binoculars but only for a short time without really choosing one for long term. It can be said that, at some point, you loved them all, but now none of them...You searching in circle!
There must be some point to it, and there certainly is a lot of interest in discussing the NL's because this and other threads I have started are way more popular than most threads on Bird Forum that simply die out for lack of interest. I have never seen you start a thread that lasted for more than ten responses because there is no interest when you just quote a bunch of boring stuff garnered from Wikipedia.So the usual summary:
Start a thread with a clickbait title.
Post furiously.
Post more furiously when anyone says anything that deviates from your view.
Over several days repeat, repeat, repeat . . .
Is there any point to this process?
Does this thread differ from any of the others - except for the decreasing time between them?
And any guesses as to what the next thread might be?
They are two important factors in deciding what binoculars are best, but for me, I have decided they are not as important as FOV and sharp edges. Those are my two most important criteria when choosing a binocular. The NL though is very strong in all areas and although it might not be the best in every area I feel it is overall the best birding binocular now available for most people.what about former posts you made about Central sharpenss and CA control is best on Zeiss?
so those two terms are far from deciding the bino 'best'?
😄Here is absolute perfection in optics and ergonomics. The NL 8x32 and NL 10x32... There is absolutely nothing wrong with either binocular...
I do see a difference in those two binoculars, but those are vastly different quality binoculars. When you compare two alpha binoculars like the EL and NL and say that the EL is sharper, I highly doubt it and I can see no difference because of the low magnification binoculars are used at. Show me a picture of an EL next to an NL where there is an obvious difference in sharpness. You would have to have a boosted image to see a difference and a resolution chart to compare them.I still have the first bino I have seen but don't look through it. now, it is dull enough for making me tired compared to recent pricy collection I had
but, I still kept them as a souvenir of my nostalgic moments
first and the worst 20$ bino I have
best bino I have (EL 8x32)
View attachment 1608646
Charly. What you have to remember is to get the super wide corrected FOV's that the NL and SF have takes a very complex multi-element eyepiece similar to a Nagler eyepiece used on telescopes in astronomy. Naglers are huge eyepieces because it takes many lens elements to get a huge FOV that is fully corrected to the edge. That is why both the Swarovski NL and Zeiss SF are longer and bigger than other 32mm binoculars and more expensive. You can't have your cake and eat it too, so they say. Also, the NL eye box is more sensitive than most other binoculars for the same reason. That is why it has 6 click stops for fine adjustment of FL.😄
The NL in question are rather large and heavy for a x32 binocular.
Personally when I've tried them I've felt I might as well carry a similar spec'd full size x42 for birding.
And stick with my much smaller and lighter x32 ultravids despite the obvious optical superiority of the NL.
I'd remind you that some folk don't get on well with the NL eye-box, in which case the instrument may become little more than an expensive doorstop 😉
Here is absolute perfection in optics and ergonomics. The NL 8x32 and NL 10x32. Both binoculars arrived from Eurooptics in absolutely perfect condition. The focuser is insanely smooth and the same tension on both binoculars. The eye cups work perfectly and smoothly with 6 click stops. I can even use both of them exactly at 5 click stops with no blackouts. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either binocular. Not a mark or mar on either one. Swarovski is doing a superb job on quality control on these. The optics are insanely good with a huge FOV that is sharp right to the edge. When you look down the objective lens, you don't even see any reflections because the coatings are so good. You just don't get this kind of quality every day. The Swarovski NL is highly recommended.View attachment 1608953
On paper the x32 SFs have an even wider FOV than the x32 NLs, but I compared the two at Birdfair and found I get on better with the NLs, perhaps because I wear glasses.The NL's are best for me because I like a big FOV that is tack sharp to the edge, and they are the ONLY binoculars that have that.