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No announcement about Springwatch 2021 as of yet! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Springwatch 2020 was announced on the 25th April last year by Chris Packham and other media outlets in April. But still no announcements yet for 2021 unless I’ve missed that news. Normally the BBC Springwatch TV series starts towards the end of May. Anyone heard any news about this years BBC Springwatch series yet?
It is a little worrying with no news from the BBC. Looking at the last episode of Winterwatch the announcement of Springwatch is normally announced. I’ve just had a look at the very end of the last episode of Winterwatch 2021 and nothing is actually mentioned about Springwatch 2021 in that last episode of Winterwatch. Strange the silence from BBC TV, which makes me wonder is Springwatch being broadcast this year? Hope it is broadcast. But with the cuts at the BBC over recent years, who knows!
On their Facebook page in the left side box it says " see you on the 26th May till 12th June". And there are daily entries which I have'nt had time to scroll through.
Perhaps as we were in the middle of another lockdown with further social distancing, restricted travel and together with the BBC's Duty of Care, when Winterwatch aired, they couldn't envisage what the future held so hence no announcement.
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Michaela had to isolate in a hotel on her return from South Africa, so I imagine that was a factor in when the programme went out.
Michaela had to isolate in a hotel on her return from South Africa, so I imagine that was a factor in when the programme went out.
I imagine rather that it meant she had to factor in an earlier return from South Africa.

I am disappointed to see that Iolo has gone to a private zoo instead of a nature reserve or the actual wilds of Scotland.

I imagine rather that it meant she had to factor in an earlier return from South Africa.

I am disappointed to see that Iolo has gone to a private zoo instead of a nature reserve or the actual wilds of Scotland.


I didn’t realise it was a private zoo that Iolo is going to be, very disappointing!
Describing Alladale as a private zoo is splitting hairs. It is for a wider audience rather than individuals. Some view Pensthorpe as a private zoo rather than look at the education and conservation successes they've had. Programme writers and researchers have to base themselves somewhere where there is a high chance of quality recorded and live images - rather than just gamble and pitch up on a wild remote place with blank footage. Let's just enjoy the series - if you cant then watch something else or do a crossword puzzle.
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I am disappointed with a base at Norfolk - I know it has been 10 years since they were at Pensthorpe but they did stay 3 years at Suffolk. Don't get me wrong perfectly superb places but surely they could keep away from the South East ?
Describing Alladale as a private zoo is splitting hairs. It is for a wider audience rather than individuals. Some view Pensthorpe as a private zoo rather than look at the education and conservation successes they've had. Programme writers and researchers have to base themselves somewhere where there is a high chance of quality recorded and live images - rather than just gamble and pitch up on a wild remote place with blank footage. Let's just enjoy the series - if you cant then watch something else or do a crossword puzzle.
Its not really, the ambitions the owner had for the place have not been realised and AFAIK what few potential reintroductions are on site are fenced apart from Beavers (which are easy elsewhere in Scotland: it would be nice to see some effort on unfenced Beavers on the Watches.)

Come to that I was very disappointed that "Wild Ken Hill" has cattle, ponies and pigs where it could have deer and Wild Boar - the last sourced from areas where they are currently being culled - or even Wisent? There is an increasing trend in England at least to obscure the difference between fenced enclosures and reintroductions, which probably arises from a desire by rich landowners to take possession of easy viewing and charge the public for access to what should be freely available as wildlife. If rewilding is going to happen, it needs to be proper rewilding and not fakery in the form of safari parks, whether small as Wild Ken Bruce or large as Alladale.

In the meantime I will, as you suggest, enjoy the good bits of Springwatch, which certainly include Cryptic Wood White but absolutely not the ubiquitous Black-headed Gull.

There have been some nice segments on yesterday and today's Springwatch episodes and the presenters have relaxed into their roles a bit. Unfortunate glossing over of why Hen Harriers are scarce though.....

As FJ wrote, some good articles again tonight ( eg, Corncrake nettle habitat restoration ) but saddened to hear that the Scottish wildcat is now technically extinct...I had hoped a few pure ones might be clinging on somewhere.
As FJ wrote, some good articles again tonight ( eg, Corncrake nettle habitat restoration ) but saddened to hear that the Scottish wildcat is now technically extinct...I had hoped a few pure ones might be clinging on somewhere.
You only had to look at the cats they were showing as part of their project - which if they admit its gone must surely be shut down? More white on the face than I would accept in a Wildcat, and the only tail they dared show even in a brief long shot had a pointed tip, which is a no-no.

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