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Northern Cyprus in August (1 Viewer)


New member

I will be in Cyprus from 1st - 15th August (which is not the ideal, but it's when the kids are off school). We will be spending the 1st week around Paphos, which I am familiar with from a similar holiday a few years back, but the second week is to be spent in Northern Cyprus. I intend to spend 4 days around Kyrenia and 3 days in or around the Karpaz area to the east.

My birding is typically restricted to a few hours early morning, before the rest of the family are up and about, so I try to position myself as best I can. The more I have to travel, the less birding I can do. So my question is this. I could base myself to the east of Kyrenia, possibly Arapkoy near some decent looking reservoirs and the Alevkaya, or I could go west of Kyrenia closer to the Korucam area. But I don't know if that area is any good in early August - it's probably too early for migrants?

Note, my primary targets are Frankolin, Bonelli's Eagle, Long Legged Buzzard, Spectacled Warbler & Black Headed Bunting. Although stuff like Woodlark, Isabelline Wheatear etc would be nice.

So does anyone have experience of that part of the country at that time of year? I'd love to hear from you - information is very sparse!


Derek Brennan
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