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Northumbrian Birding (3 Viewers)

Stewart J.

Well-known member
Hi everyone, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading Stevie Evens excellent well viewed and long running thread on Durham Birding, howsabout doing one for our own county. It, I'm sure would be of benefit to many, beginner and expert alike and give those not on pagers etc. an idea of whats happening and where. Obviously Birdforum guidelines on rare breeders, sensitive sites and of course common sense should prevail. And no character assasinations!

Lets see if theres any interest, I'll start.

Grindon Lough 12.00hrs today, 2 Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Dunlin all in summer plumage unusual and very early.

Cresswell Pond 14.30hrs 2 Little Gulls a nice distraction patter feeding over water surface.

Hi Stewart
Dont forget Pacific Golden Plover at Beacon Point Newbiggen By the Sea today..
also 14 Pomarine Skuas past St Mary's Island this morning
littlestintboy said:
Hi Stewart
Dont forget Pacific Golden Plover at Beacon Point Newbiggen By the Sea today..
also 14 Pomarine Skuas past St Mary's Island this morning

Nice ones LSB, I only put my own on to start the ball rolling, heard about the PGP to late to visit this afternoon.

Good idea Stewart.

Haven't been north of the Durham border for ages.

Thinking of visiting Hulne Park at Alnwick for Hawfinch next weekend if I'm not too busy and then along to East Chev and Cresswell area.

Good luck with the thread.

B :)
Nice to see a thread for our area.I`ll certainly contribute once i get my gear sorted and get out and about.

Skelly said:
Good idea Stewart.

Haven't been north of the Durham border for ages.

Thinking of visiting Hulne Park at Alnwick for Hawfinch next weekend if I'm not too busy and then along to East Chev and Cresswell area.

Good luck with the thread.

B :)

Cheers Skelly, hope it gets off the ground, it'll need input from anyone and everyone, local, visitor, novice and expert. Not even asking for rarities, anything of interest is acceptable.

Working away from home 8 months of the year I can't keep it going so fingers crossed.

Stewart :bounce:
All you need is a few enthusiastic birders like yourself and LSB and it'll go far.

There's loads of Northumbrian birders on BF and I'm sure they'll post their sightings and info on it.

I never thought the Durham birding thread would take off the way it has done as we're all supposed to be at each others throats if you believe the rumours.

B :)
Skelly said:
All you need is a few enthusiastic birders like yourself and LSB and it'll go far.

There's loads of Northumbrian birders on BF and I'm sure they'll post their sightings and info on it.

I never thought the Durham birding thread would take off the way it has done as we're all supposed to be at each others throats if you believe the rumours.

B :)

Always take as I find and never air my dirty laundry in public as they say. As for your thread taking off, its one of the first I look at and is exactly what I'd like to see for our county, sightings, projects its all very readable. I'd imagine many others from this side of the Tyne do the same, it could help plan your day. I live out of the way well into the sticks so am not party to findings in the hotspots, conversely like today finding Curlew Sandpipers and having no-one to involve I thought lets see if we can get something going.

Thanks for your encouragement.


B :)
Was thinking of going from work for PGP today, but as always hitting the traffic prevented me. Good job too by the sound of it.

Hi Stewart, see owt of the Osprey (approx 11.30am) over the Tyne at Hexham today? - again pager only report whilst stuck indoors for me mate.

Golden Billled or Gold billed Tern at Whitburn btw - just mentioned it as ashamed to say never heard of it!
Quacker said:
Was thinking of going from work for PGP today, but as always hitting the traffic prevented me. Good job too by the sound of it.

Hi Stewart, see owt of the Osprey (approx 11.30am) over the Tyne at Hexham today? - again pager only report whilst stuck indoors for me mate.

Golden Billled or Gold billed Tern at Whitburn btw - just mentioned it as ashamed to say never heard of it!

Missed the Osprey Steve would have been nice to add to the house list again this year, I'll check out the area this morning.

Gull-billed Tern methinks mate.

littlestintboy said:
Pacific Golden Plover again today at Newbiggen Beacon Point till it flew inland at 16.30

A reliable report from someone who was there yesterday says that the bird had been misidentified and it was actually a breeding plumage Golden Plover, so the last good sighting of the PGP was at 6pm Sunday. Watching over the falling tide yesterday morning produced only Golden Plovers.
Stewart J. said:
Missed the Osprey Steve would have been nice to add to the house list again this year, I'll check out the area this morning.

Gull-billed Tern methinks mate.


Well done Stewart mate - spared me blushes. Lesson learned - Don't mix Pacific Golden Plover and Gull-billed Tern when looking at pager.

You guys out there have Garden/local patch and year lists better than my life one.
Alan Seaton said:
A reliable report from someone who was there yesterday says that the bird had been misidentified and it was actually a breeding plumage Golden Plover
Hi Alan,

is this questioning the original PGP ID, or just a subsequent mis-call of another bird?

I ask because having looked at the PGP pics on Birdguides, I can't see anything that would have made me think it was anything other than a standard GP - though I should add that I'm only going by the Macmillan Field Guide To Bird Identification, and I know I shouldn't draw conclusions from the BG photos.

I'm also not saying it isn't a PGP!!


It's just that the bird on BG doesn't seem leggy enough, it's surprisingly pale around the face for the time of year, and I can't make my mind up about the tertials (they don't look that long to my eye).

It does look small though (which is good).

Anyone out there that could give me a "PGP Master Class"?

I would never have got this 'un....
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Keith Reeder said:
Hi Alan,

is this questioning the original PGP ID, or just a subsequent mis-call of another bird?

I ask because having looked at the PGP pics on Birdguides, I can't see anything that would have made me think it was anything other than a standard GP - though I should add that I'm only going by the Macmillan Field Guide To Bird Identification, and I know I shouldn't draw conclusions from the BG photos.

I'm also not saying it isn't a PGP!!


It's just that the bird on BG doesn't seem leggy enough, it's surprisingly pale around the face for the time of year, and I can't make my mind up about the tertials (they don't look that long to my eye).

It does look small though (which is good).

Anyone out there that could give me a "PGP Master Class"?

I would never have got this 'un....

Not questioning the original identification, which was good. The photos on Birdguides perhaps do not do it full credit because the legs don't show very well, but in the field the bird was noticably leggy. it was also noticably smaller and daintier than the golden plovers that it was hanging around with. It was also noticably paler over-all. One of the photos is at close range and is exceptional, but the others are distant shots and perhaps suffer as a result.

The confusion is over Monday's sighting. The Beacon was watched all morning from about 7.30 by various people. There were only 2 GPs at the start of the ebb at about 8am. As the tide fell there were additions of small groups of GPs as the seaweed became uncovered, until by 10.15 there were about 18-20, mostly in non-breeding plumage, but some part-moulted and 2 in full breeding plumage. By 11.30 there were no additional birds.

The PGP reporting on Monday was at 2.30, at low water. It was reported to have flown off west at 4.15. Reports from experienced birders who were there at the time say thay the PGP was not present and that one of the breeding plumage GPs was mistaken for it.

Negative reports were made today.

Hope this clears up the confusion.
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Very hot and calm day on the South Tyne today, spent an hour raptor searching from Lambley Viaduct 18.00 to 19.00hrs zilch, not even a Buzzard. 13 Goosanders (3 family groups) sunning themselves on large rocks at bend in river to south of viaduct (viewed from it), plus commoner stuff Dipper, Com, Sandpiper etc. Unfortunately no Ospreys either.


Thanks Alan - clears things up for me nicely.

Spent an hour or so walking around Blyth golf course (Newsham) and the surrounding fields tonight - part of my local patch - and was chuffed to see my first redstart on it for four years.
Spent a couple of hours at lunchtime wandering round a small reserve at Bassington,Cramlington.Amongst others, noted a male great spotted woodpecker and female and juvenile whitethroats.Nothing earth shattering but an enjoyable couple of hours.

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