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Oberwerk 8x32SE Quick look. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Oberwerk 8x32SE

We will be taking these out over the weekend and comparing them to Nikon 8x32SE, 8x30E2, E (C version), 8x30 Habicht and a few mid to high-end roofs.

First impressions , they are kind of big/bulky for a 32. I think the extended objective barrels are partly to blame for this , they almost feel more like 35’s. They’re a little on the heavy side for a 32, but are dense and feel real nice, not cheap. They have a kind of unique greenish color, you like it , or you don’t. It’s a little similar to the Kowa Genesis exterior rubber armor, which I like. They appear to be well made , balance well and feel good in the hands , very grippy but not sticky. These look and feel tough, like they’ll hold up under heaven use, but that remains to be seen. The eyecups click up and down very smooth and precise and lock into position well. The eyecups are very large , similar again to the Kowa Genesis eyecups, I like them.

The focuser is central between the barrels. I’m not going to go into the focuser attributes at the moment, because I am working through something with Kevin from Oberwerk.

The optics are very nice for this price point. There is a lot to be said for a porro being a great bang for the buck. I don’t want to get to much into the optics until I spend a few sessions with them. But this is well above entry level binoculars, like Diamond backs or Nikon M5’s etc. etc. I’m hesitating to say they maybe in the mid to to upper mid grade roofs on an optical level, more on that after more time and some comparisons.

Overall theses are very sharp and bright. The image is well corrected in 70-75% of the image circle, and the fall off is very subtle. The coatings look excellent, a very similar amber color hue to the Zeiss SF’s. There is no field flattener here, panning is excellent. The large FOV (over 430 @ 1000) is very usable. Did I mention they’re very bright. CA is extremely well controlled , and it didn’t show up at all in the center field. Again, I’m going to get further into that after I have more time with them. I just wanted to throw this out for now.


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I would ascertain that there will be more purchases from the members of CN than here on BF.
They are more familiar with the brand Oberwerk, are less adverse to the porro design, and are more budget minded (binoculars are used mostly for astro).
The binoculars girth will be an issue for members here on BF.
I would ascertain that there will be more purchases from the members of CN than here on BF.
They are more familiar with the brand Oberwerk, are less adverse to the porro design, and are more budget minded (binoculars are used mostly for astro).
The binoculars girth will be an issue for members here on BF.
I don't know. A lot of Bird Forum members have the E2 and SE, and they are both wider than the Oberwerk. The Oberwerk 8x32 SE is 6.5 inches, SE is 7.2 inches and the E2 is 7.1 inches. I think the CN boys will wait for the Oberwerk 10x42 SE and 12x50 SE to come out. The higher power will probably work better for astro use, unless you want wide field. I think the weight of the Oberwerk 8x32 SE at 28 oz. night turn a lot of birders off because both the E2 and SE are about 22 oz. but the Oberwerks are really built well with heavier armour, and they are aluminum versus magnesium in the Nikon SE so that probably accounts for the extra mass. There are a lot of porro lovers on Bird Forum also, and many are budget minded!
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The low ER on the 10 and 12X SE models will not help.
Sorry, until someone gets serious about a premium porro, Swarovski and the Nikon SE and E II will be my choices.
Dennis I look forward to your review and short ownership of the new SE.
I'd be particularly interested in knowing how close this binocular is to being a genuine optical clone of the Nikon SE. The original Nikon SE eyepiece was cloned for use with some Chinese spotting scopes, so the design is probably available to at least some Chinese makers.

The difference in specs suggest that the Oberwerk is not a clone, but that's easy to confirm by comparing the reflection patterns that return from small light sources like the ones in the objective lens and eyepiece photos above. The pattern in the objective lens photo shows a cemented doublet like the Nikon SE, but if the Oberwerk objective has a different focal ratio the reflection returning from the external convex surface will be a different size, smaller for a lower focal ratio, larger for a higher focal ratio. If the eyepieces are identical there will be an identical pattern and number of reflections from the lens elements when eyepieces from each binocular are brought close together and tilted just right relative to the light source and the eye.
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The low ER on the 10 and 12X SE models will not help.
Sorry, until someone gets serious about a premium porro, Swarovski and the Nikon SE and E II will be my choices.
Dennis I look forward to your review and short ownership of the new SE.
I just wanted to try it because I am curious about the marketing they are using with the connection to the Nikon SE 8x32. I don't think it will be as good as the SE, but it might be pretty good for the price. The ER of 13.5 mm and 12 mm for the SE 10x42 and 12x50 might be enough for non-eyeglass wearers. The Habichts have about 12-13 mm of ER and a lot of people use them. I never had any problem with ER on any of the Habicht's. It was those small eye cups that bugged me!
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I'd be particularly interested in knowing how close this binocular is to being a genuine optical clone of the Nikon SE. The original Nikon SE eyepiece was cloned for use with some Chinese spotting scopes, so the design is probably available to at least some Chinese makers.

The difference in specs suggest that the Oberwerk is not a clone, but that's easy to confirm by comparing the reflection patterns that return from small light sources like the ones in the objective lens and eyepiece photos above. The pattern in the objective lens photo shows a cemented doublet like the Nikon SE, but if the Oberwerk objective has a different focal ratio the reflection returning from the external convex surface will be a different size, smaller for a lower focal ratio, larger for a higher focal ratio. If the eyepieces are identical there will be an identical pattern and number of reflections from the lens elements when eyepieces from each binocular are brought close together and tilted just right relative to the light source and the eye.
Henry. You should buy an Oberwerk SE 8x32 for $250 and dissect it and see if it is similar to the Nikon SE 8x32. You already did that with the Nikon SE 8x32. It would be very interesting to know what is under the hood!
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These are not clones of the Nikon SE. I believe the focal length is substantially longer, there is no field flattener and this is a relatively wide field of you by conventional standards. All three of those attributes are different in the Nikon. The eye box on this one is much friendlier than the Nikon, and of course is more adjustable. I found no blackouts or kidney beaning at all, very comfortable. I believe the oculars are larger than the Nikon as well, but don’t quote me on that. The focuser is slower than the SE. As stated before the FOV is noticeably larger than the Nikon, but we’ll compare the sweet spot size when we do our comparisons.

I know it's highly probable they're not clones, but you could objectively verify that the basic optical formulas are different in a minute or two by examining the reflections returning from the lenses. Maybe you could just accommodate me here. I really don't want to buy a pair of these just to test them to my satisfaction and then return them.

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I know it's highly probable they're not clones, but you could objectively verify that the basic optical formulas are different in a minute or two by examining the reflections returning from the lenses. Maybe you could just accommodate me here. I really don't want to buy a pair of these just to test them to my satisfaction and then return them.

Hi Henry,

Absolutely will do as soon as I have them back in hand.

A spherometer would quickly show if the outer curves are different.

I think the curves probably are different, as well as the internal surface curves.

To be used with care not to mark the glass.

How deep are those objective lens inset? They almost look like sunshades on the end of the objectives. I imagine they might help some with glare.
They’re recessed quite a bit and they do act like sunshades. I noticed no glare whatsoever the hour or so i used them in sunny conditions. The objective lenses setback about halfway inside that tube that looks like a sunshade, which are actually part of the barrel. Beautiful coatings.


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They’re recessed quite a bit and they do act like sunshades. I noticed no glare whatsoever the hour or so i used them in sunny conditions. The objective lenses setback about halfway inside that tube that looks like a sunshade, which are actually part of the barrel. Beautiful coatings.
Interesting. I have never seen such deep set objectives. Nice pictures and review! You can see the Oberwerk SE has beautiful coatings. The ocular lenses are large! Very helpful information.
Coatings look very similar to the Svbony SV202.
I did try to find a little more info on those and it seems Chinese manufacturers call it Super-Multicoating Type 4 -- it might also be type 5 which is supposedly used by the Eyeskey "Hyperion" for example.
Interesting. I have never seen such deep set objectives. Nice pictures and review! You can see the Oberwerk SE has beautiful coatings. The ocular lenses are large! Very helpful information.
I thought the same thing. It’s possible the recess didn’t need to be that far and couldve allowed for a shorter over barrel , and still having an adequate objective recess while still maintaining the longer focal length. The ocular lenses are nice and large and probably help with that comfortable eye box.

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