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Old model razor and Swarovski Astro adapter (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

I just acquired a Swarovski Astro adapter (thank you fellow BFer Grimesy).

Any of you folk used one on an old model Razor?

Got any suggestions on Astro e/ps to try?

I currently use Swarovski fixed 30x & 45x e/ps (giving 24x & 36x) and recently discovered the 25-50 zoom (20-40x) is great if I take the rubber off to improve the e/r (I’ll be getting a bike inner tube at the weekend 😀).

I would like to try astro e/ps that will give low mag and wide fov but I’m open to all suggestions. I wear glasses and like long e/r.

Today I used my Razor and Adaptor with a Baader Morpheus 17.5mm and I have to say it’s a fantastic eyepiece.
So wide and very bright, giving about 21x mag. Wi5h the wide fov it took a little time to get eye placement just righ5 but not long at all and it is no worse than the Swarovski 30x that I use.

If you are using a scope that accepts Astro e/ps, I recommend you try the Morpheus e/ps.
Hi Boogie, I tried a couple of Baader Morpheus EPs im My Pentax, yes they do give a wonderfully wide and sharp view. The thing I wasn't to keen was the eye cups. If you want a cheap 15mm but only 60 deg the BST is a cracker.

Hi Ron,

The eye cups really suit me as I wear glasses. Ad I love the huge diameter lens.

I tried a BST when I had a pf-65 and it didn’t have enough e/r for me. Nice e/p, esp for the low price.

I think I’ll try the 12.5mm Morpheus for a 30x mag.
I now have the 12.5mm Morpheus but it was very heat hazy when I gave it a test run yesterday so not the best conditions. Having said that I’m very happy with it. It seems just as good as the 17.5mm and reminds me of the Pentax XW 14 I used to use on my pf-65.

As a combination of extra wide 21x and 29x they are just what I need.
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