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Orange-coloured Tortrix (?) ID (Cumbria, UK) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

I found this moth (about 12mm long) yesterday on a heath near Carlisle. I'm guessing that it's a tortrix of some sort, but I can't find a decent match in either my micro or macro field guides.

Any suggestions?




  • IMG_0439 cr ed 2000 cropped for ID.jpg
    IMG_0439 cr ed 2000 cropped for ID.jpg
    234.7 KB · Views: 13
That's an interesting suggestion, aeshna5, as there were two other moths I photographed at the same location, and I did think that they were perhaps Aphelia viburnana, but it never struck me that all three might be the same species!

They are certaintly the right size and the habitat checks out.

I've added the other two images below.

what do you think?


  • IMG_0445 cr for id2.jpg
    IMG_0445 cr for id2.jpg
    606.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Tortrix cr for ID.jpg
    Tortrix cr for ID.jpg
    250.7 KB · Views: 8
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