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Other uses for your Leica scope ? (1 Viewer)


Active member
I am curious, what other uses do you have for your Leica scope when you are not using it for birding ?
I have owned my Televid APO77 now for 6 months and it was the right choice for me.
Not many clear nights of late so i have been unable to observe the night sky
but i can see planes landing & taking off from Manchester airport 19 miles away and that has kept me occupied.
I am contemplating buying a wide-angle eyepiece also, something to put on my Christmas list i guess.
One of the more interesting things to watch is rock climbing,
From Tittersworth reservoir (Staffordshire moorlands) climbers can be viewed on the rocks at the top of Blackshaw moor, it’s interesting to see the technique 1st hand without actually being 100ft on a cliff face !
dxchaser said:
I am curious, what other uses do you have for your Leica scope when you are not using it for birding ?
I bet some of the nudists on Son bou beach on Menorca are probably thinking the same, as I make my way to the nearby marshes loaded up with optical and photographic gear! Although my 'scope is a Swaro..:cool: :cool:

A large number of spotting scopes go to the target shooting community.... so they can check their scores from vast distances, my old TSN4 is now used for such a purpose, though angled scopes are more popular than straights for shooters.
I've also seen a Kowa 824 used in a coastguard lookout and Met police used to use Nikon scopes for obs.
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