Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")

Here's some (possibly) additional details regarding the guy commemorated in the Scientific names ...
schuetti & schuettii (alt. schütti & schüttii) as in:
• the Black-billed Turaco Tauraco schuettii CABANIS 1879 (here, alt. here, on p.180), as "Corythaix Schüttii":
• the (Scaly) Francolin ssp. Pternistis squamatus schuetti CABANIS 1881 (here), as "Francolinus (Scleroptera) Schuetti":
• the invalid (Kurrichane) Thrush (ssp.) "P. [Peliocichla] Schuetti " CABANIS 1882 (here):
In today's Key explained as:
However he seems to have had even more names, an even longer (full) name ... !?!
In a Paper about the (German) botanical exploration of Angola, by Figueiredo et al. (2020*), we find a detailed entry about Otto Schütt (on pp.150–152), though there he's presented with even more (Given) names (also in a different order, in comparison to the Key above).
Figueiredo et al. has him as: Benedictus Ludwig Heinrich Otto Schütt (1843–1888):
Anyone who think it should be otherwise?
Either way, take it for what it's worth. It's just an observation (he's not "one of my guys") ...
*Figueiredo, E., G. F. Smith & S. Dressler. 2020 The botanical exploration of Angola by Germans during the 19th and 20th centuries, with biographical sketches and notes on collections and herbaria. Blumea 65 (2): 126–161. (here)
schuetti & schuettii (alt. schütti & schüttii) as in:
• the Black-billed Turaco Tauraco schuettii CABANIS 1879 (here, alt. here, on p.180), as "Corythaix Schüttii":
[in Journal für Ornithologie] ... Der Vortragende [Herr Cabanis] bespricht die Kleider der genannten Arten, geht speciell auf die differirenden Charactere der einzelnen Formen und deren geographischer Verbreitung ein. Zugleich nimmt er Veranlassung, eine hierhergehörige neue-Species vorzulegen, welche von dem in der Sitzung anwesenden Afrikareisenden Herrn Otto Schütt im Innern des südwestlichen Africa, zugleich mit C. Livingstoni und Musophaga Rossae gesammelt worden ist.
[in Ornithologische Centralblatt] Herr Prof. Cabanis benennt diese neue schöne Form zu Ehren ihres Entdeckers Corythaix Schüttii.
• the (Scaly) Francolin ssp. Pternistis squamatus schuetti CABANIS 1881 (here), as "Francolinus (Scleroptera) Schuetti":
... dem Reisenden, Herrn Otto Schütt, welcher dieselben auf seiner bekannten Reise durch Angola in das Muatjanwo-Reich beobachtete und sammelte.
• the invalid (Kurrichane) Thrush (ssp.) "P. [Peliocichla] Schuetti " CABANIS 1882 (here):
... also reprinted in JfO 1884 (here), but there written/typed: "Schütti".Diese Art wurde von Reisenden O. Schütt und Major v. Mechow in Angola gesammelt. ...
In today's Key explained as:
schütti / schüttii
Original spellings of eponyms schuetti and schuettii.
schuetti / schuettii
Otto Heinrich Schütt (1843-1888) German railway engineer in Angola 1877-1879 (subsp. Pternistis squamatus, Tauraco, syn. Turdus libonyanus verreauxi).
However he seems to have had even more names, an even longer (full) name ... !?!
In a Paper about the (German) botanical exploration of Angola, by Figueiredo et al. (2020*), we find a detailed entry about Otto Schütt (on pp.150–152), though there he's presented with even more (Given) names (also in a different order, in comparison to the Key above).
Figueiredo et al. has him as: Benedictus Ludwig Heinrich Otto Schütt (1843–1888):
Biographical sketch
Born Husum, Germany, 6 January 1843 – Died Istanbul, Turkey (then Constantinople, Ottoman Empire), 1888. A topographer and explorer, Schütt first studied in Görlitz, and later graduated in engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Berlin. After graduating he accepted an appointment as a topographer in the construction of railways in the Ottoman Empire. His career was interrupted by the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871) but afterwards he continued his topographical work in Syria and Mesopotamia ...
Anyone who think it should be otherwise?
Either way, take it for what it's worth. It's just an observation (he's not "one of my guys") ...
*Figueiredo, E., G. F. Smith & S. Dressler. 2020 The botanical exploration of Angola by Germans during the 19th and 20th centuries, with biographical sketches and notes on collections and herbaria. Blumea 65 (2): 126–161. (here)
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