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Oxfordshire birding (1 Viewer)

Is it walkable from the pub? Do I just head across that park area with the old convent ruins in?

Might be worth a wander, if it's not too far.



Hi Pete,

I'm not sure exactly - I dont go to Port meadow often, but the only place ive accessed the meadow is from further up the road nearer the railwayline. I will warn you though the more interesting parts are a fair way from here and if its wet it can be difficult to navigate (IMO). If you really want to go there I'd say it's best to go the the car park and access from there.

Theres still Ruff around and Pintails, Blackwits and Dunlin of interest. It may well be worth you emailing Adam (gnome) directly as it's his local patch.

Other things of note recently have been 2 GND's, 2 Scaup, Common scoter (til 23rd), Water pipit and SEO at Farmoor. Avocet at Otmoor on Sunday. Hen harrier bordering Oxon in the Berks downs. LEO at Bensun on the 20th.

Thanks Amarillo, I have since seen another. Both were roughly over the train station, so fairly central.
One of my Collegues had a Raven over city centre the other day. Whichreminds me when i was at Blenheim palace a few wekends ago i had 2. Would have reported it but Ravens are rapidly spreading and are not that uncommon anymore.

That's amazing, how come they are in Oxfordshire, miles from suitable breeding habitat (or are they?) and non migratory?
Sorry to hijack your thread Gareth, but I thought this may be a suitable place to provide contact information for red kites.

If any of you come across a dead read kite, could you please contact me or my colleague as soon as possible. Contact details are on the website below. Also, don't forget to report your positive wing tag sightings. Again, info and details below.

Many thanks.
That's amazing, how come they are in Oxfordshire, miles from suitable breeding habitat (or are they?) and non migratory?

More and more are seen all the time. There are breeding birds in Oxfordshire, Warks, and other central/midlands counties but they are still kept pretty quite due to fear of eggers etc.

Sorry to hijack your thread Gareth, but I thought this may be a suitable place to provide contact information for red kites.

If any of you come across a dead read kite, could you please contact me or my colleague as soon as possible. Contact details are on the website below. Also, don't forget to report your positive wing tag sightings. Again, info and details below.

Many thanks.

No worries. Not that its my thread specifically, it's for all based in or visiting Oxfordshire :t:

There is an immature Long-tailed Duck on the Drayton Road pit in the Dorchester gravel pit complex at SU582954. It was present this luchtime favouring the south end and diving constantly.

Long tailed duck still present in Dorchester. Caspian gull, 8 yellow legged gulls, Med gull, 2 Scaup, 2 GNDivers and Water pipit at Farmoor. Merlin recently at Churn. 25 Ruff recently at Port meadow.

I spent the day out today. Morning just over the border in Warwickshire walking round the fields and woods where I grew up. This afternoon I went to Otmoor. The main aim was to show two friends the starling roost and it was great with an estimate of 50000 birds. Also seen around female Hen harrier, male Peregrine, several Water rails and a couple of Cetti's warblers. Some of the wardens were saying there had been a SEO recently too.

15th - Cattle egret Days lock, Hen harrier fem Buckland warren, Scaup Oxey mead, Long tailed duck Dorchester GP's, Spotshank and 2 Bewick's swans Port meadow.

16th - Spotshank still Port meadow.

Last day of the year

Not been much posted on here recently so i thoght i'd do a round up of whats around. Hopefully some of these birds will kick start a list or two in 2009!

Days lock - Cattle egret still still east of the river.

Dix pit - Smew (redhead) still and Red crested pochards.

Farmoor - 2 Great northern divers, 2 Scaup and Water pipit still. Slav grebe and Common sand (27th). Yellow legged gulls coming to roost.

Port meadow - Ruff and Blackwits still around. Yellow legged gull going to roost.

Sonninig eye GP's - Scaup (25th).

Just outside Oxon - Berkshire ridgeway - 3/4 Short eared owls present.

Happy new year everyone and good birding!

Port meadow - 14 Ruff, 3 Dunlin and a Blackwit at first light. c50 Goldies in the grass were frosted over!

Days lock - No sign of the Cattle egret mid morning. A really nice area with loads of birds. A Shellduck was a mild surprise. I also met the finder of the Whinchat at South Moreton and is sure it is one and has photos!

Dix pit - 2 Ruddy ducks (female). I had no sign of the Smew or Red crested pochards but the Smaw was reported later on OOS.

Farmoor - 2 GNDivers, 2 Scaup, Common sand, 3 Pintail, 3 Goosanders (+6 at dusk). Water pipit also present but missed by me and 6 yellow legged gulls in the roost.

Dix pit complletely frozen today. A few disgruntled Mallard and Shoveller on the ice with quite a lot of gulls, including an obliging adult Yellow-legged - being the closest bird in the mist. A flock of about 30 Siskin as well.
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