Smile people
Is it walkable from the pub? Do I just head across that park area with the old convent ruins in?
Might be worth a wander, if it's not too far.
Hi Pete,
I'm not sure exactly - I dont go to Port meadow often, but the only place ive accessed the meadow is from further up the road nearer the railwayline. I will warn you though the more interesting parts are a fair way from here and if its wet it can be difficult to navigate (IMO). If you really want to go there I'd say it's best to go the the car park and access from there.
Theres still Ruff around and Pintails, Blackwits and Dunlin of interest. It may well be worth you emailing Adam (gnome) directly as it's his local patch.
Other things of note recently have been 2 GND's, 2 Scaup, Common scoter (til 23rd), Water pipit and SEO at Farmoor. Avocet at Otmoor on Sunday. Hen harrier bordering Oxon in the Berks downs. LEO at Bensun on the 20th.