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Palawan questions (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello all,

Currently researching a trip to Palawan in June next year, contemplating this as an alternative to Sabah. I've a few questions if anyone would be able to assist please? Feel free to DM me if any of this is sensitive of course...

  1. Does anyone know if the Peacock Pheasant is still present (or should I say doable) at the Underground River? Looking on ebird, I can't seem to find any sightings since 2019. Alternatively, are there any other areas where a habituated individual may be seen?
  2. Is Pandan the best option to catch up with Mantanani Scops Owl? I've seen options for daytrips from PP, I'm guessing it is possible to just walk around/across the island towards the mangrove forest - alternatively would an overnight stay be worth it? I should mention that we will likely be visiting other islands (between El Nido and Coron)
  3. I've got the Kennedy guide, but tbh I find it awful and very outdated. Is this the best option now?
  4. Are the Cockatoo's still regularly seen coming into roost from the viewpoint on the Sabang road?
  5. Is foot access into Underground River NP possible from Sabang? It looks like there may be some access to the nearby mangrove reserve, but there is a river separating the two areas. I'm concerned about getting into good habitat early doors and not being at the mercy of boat access - it sounds like the Gallardy's had issues with the boatman not turning up on time.
  6. Any tips on where best to stay for the zig-jag road? Alternatively, whether it is possible to hire a car/driver from PP to get there early enough for some morning birding.
  7. Any recommendations for generally birdy areas with easy access? Irawan EcoPark? We will be visiting as part of our belated honeymoon, so a two day trek up Mount Victoria will be out of the question (sadly)...
  8. Anywhere to visit near the proposed reserve at Cleopatra's needle? I suspect this may not be compatible with the last sentence of no. 7!
Thanks in advance for any assistance offered!
To answer my own question (No. 5) a good map showing both the Monkey and Jungle trails can be found here.

Hopefully others can chip in with the other questions!
Question 1) It looks like the male that was present at the Underground River NP HQ has died, I can't find reference beyond 2019. There appears to be a bird present and seen regularly on the trail at the Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center in Puerto Princesa - does anyone have any information on this bird?
1) The habituated Peacock-pheasant indeed died. You can still see it the hard way, and I would be fairly confident that you can see it, if you put in some work.
3) that book is excellent.

no answers on your other questions, as I haven't been to Palawan :)
1) The habituated Peacock-pheasant indeed died. You can still see it the hard way, and I would be fairly confident that you can see it, if you put in some work.
3) that book is excellent.

no answers on your other questions, as I haven't been to Palawan :)
Thanks Temmie, much appreciated. Would hitting the jungle trail into the national park early doors be the best option do you think?
Years ago I checked how to tackle this, others should know much better, but I thought it was possible to either skip the boat to the ranger's huts alltogether and walk along a trail to that place, and that trail would offer good chances for the Peacock-pheasant. Another tactic would be to take the boat and walk the trails behind the ranger's huts.

I don't know though, if trails are (well-) maintained, and if walking is still possible (instead of taking the boat), and how long this takes.
It's 11 years since I was in Palawan, so I take this for what it's worth:
I checked my notes and apparently I had a "sticky walk back to Sabang from the central ranger station" at the Underground River. I have some recollection of mangroves and a channel, but can't recall how I negotiated this.
Historically, it was possible to stay overnight at the ranger station, and birders often stayed several days here. When I visited this was not possible, and I think the chances of bumping into a PPP are probably much reduced unless it's once again possible to stay overnight. Looking at ebird, it seems that the Rehab Centre is much your best bet and this is where I would try.
Similarly, overnight stays on Pandan Island were newly prohibited when I visited. I don't known whether this has changed or not.
I rented a scooter to visit the Zigzag road and day-tripped it from Puerto Princessa. I don't recall it being all that far (maybe 25kms?) and I imagine it would be very easy to get an early taxi if car rental isn't possible.
Years ago I checked how to tackle this, others should know much better, but I thought it was possible to either skip the boat to the ranger's huts alltogether and walk along a trail to that place, and that trail would offer good chances for the Peacock-pheasant. Another tactic would be to take the boat and walk the trails behind the ranger's huts.

I don't know though, if trails are (well-) maintained, and if walking is still possible (instead of taking the boat), and how long this takes.
Thanks Temmie - I think we will have 2 full days (+ 1 PM and an early morning) so I'm hoping that we can get the boat on one of the two days, and on the other day I will try to do the 5km trek. Must remember to take water this time! I had read a few more reports today from 2013/14 which suggested that it wasn't possible to walk the entire trail due to some maintenance issue, but perhaps that has been resolved now. How the area has been affected following Typhoon Rai doesn't appear to be clear however.
It's 11 years since I was in Palawan, so I take this for what it's worth:
I checked my notes and apparently I had a "sticky walk back to Sabang from the central ranger station" at the Underground River. I have some recollection of mangroves and a channel, but can't recall how I negotiated this.
Historically, it was possible to stay overnight at the ranger station, and birders often stayed several days here. When I visited this was not possible, and I think the chances of bumping into a PPP are probably much reduced unless it's once again possible to stay overnight. Looking at ebird, it seems that the Rehab Centre is much your best bet and this is where I would try.
Similarly, overnight stays on Pandan Island were newly prohibited when I visited. I don't known whether this has changed or not.
I rented a scooter to visit the Zigzag road and day-tripped it from Puerto Princessa. I don't recall it being all that far (maybe 25kms?) and I imagine it would be very easy to get an early taxi if car rental isn't possible.
Thanks DMW. I think there is a bridge over the river near the mangroves (again unsure following the Typhoon last year) leading to the forest trail, otherwise may be able to wade across the river mouth at Manlipien Beach. I think I will try for the bird at the rehab centre if this is the only option, assuming this is a wild, rather than captive/released individual.
We have found an option to stay on Pandan island, and this appears more than acceptable to my wife (fab!) - hopefully this will work with our timescales. I think we will look at either hiring a car for much of the trip, otherwise I will look into a scooter for the zig-zag road, though may be challenging to get there predawn with a scope in tow.

It looks to be a beautiful island, really looking forward to the trip.
I just returned and for 5), according to what the locals told me the hike into the park from Sabang was not possible given damage from a recent typhoon. As far as field guides, I used the fairly new Birds of the Philippines by Desmond Allen. Not the greatest but OK. A couple I met in Sabang had good results with endemics using a guide from Malampaya Ecotours ([email protected]).

Good luck and enjoy!
I just returned and for 5), according to what the locals told me the hike into the park from Sabang was not possible given damage from a recent typhoon. As far as field guides, I used the fairly new Birds of the Philippines by Desmond Allen. Not the greatest but OK. A couple I met in Sabang had good results with endemics using a guide from Malampaya Ecotours ([email protected]).

Good luck and enjoy!
Thanks Steve, was it possible to get a boat across fairly early doors? I noticed on google maps there seems to be a ferry, but again, unsure if this infrastructure was damaged following a typhoon.
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