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Panama - any updates? (1 Viewer)

Hi all

I'm doing a 3 week trip with friends over this period and am keen on hearing any updates that anyone may have on any of the main sites. Half of our time is on a trek into Darien but we also hope to visit the following locations:
San Fransisco reserve (Yellow-green Tyrannulet), Cerro Azul, Nusagandi (Sapayoa, Speckled Antshrike), Pipeline Road (Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo), Cerro Santiago (Yellow-green Finch), David area (V Mango) etc.

Any updates on accomodation, sites, birds welcome.

[BTW There is need to mention how good Cana is / was! :-C )

Hello Allan, check out The Bird's Nest all-inclusive expeditions in Cerro Azul, www.TheBirdsNestPanama.com .
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