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Panti forest Malaysia (1 Viewer)

Digbert Doobrey

Well-known member
I've booked a trip to Singapore in October this year staying at Changi village. I plan to bird the islands hotspots most of which appear to be easily reached by public transport or taxis.

However, I would love to visit Panti forest reserve just over the bridge into Malaysia. I've heard hiring a car in Singapore is expensive and also, as I drive for a living, I really don't want to get back behind the wheel when I'm on holiday. Therefore can anybody tell me how this can be done as a day trip from Singapore? I have read a few posts on here about people who have done it but they don't say how unless they have hired a car. Are there any guides in Singapore that can be booked for the day? I notice there are a few regular posters on this forum who live in singapore. Perhaps they could help me with some info?

In addition, as my main targets will be Kingfishers, does anyone on here know the best sites in Singapore where I might have a chance of seeing the more rare species such as Ruddy, Black-capped and Blue-eared?

I've booked a trip to Singapore in October this year staying at Changi village. I plan to bird the islands hotspots most of which appear to be easily reached by public transport or taxis.

However, I would love to visit Panti forest reserve just over the bridge into Malaysia. I've heard hiring a car in Singapore is expensive and also, as I drive for a living, I really don't want to get back behind the wheel when I'm on holiday. Therefore can anybody tell me how this can be done as a day trip from Singapore? I have read a few posts on here about people who have done it but they don't say how unless they have hired a car. Are there any guides in Singapore that can be booked for the day? I notice there are a few regular posters on this forum who live in singapore. Perhaps they could help me with some info?

In addition, as my main targets will be Kingfishers, does anyone on here know the best sites in Singapore where I might have a chance of seeing the more rare species such as Ruddy, Black-capped and Blue-eared?


We have spoken via PM. There is a good chance of you seeing the Black-capped and Blue-eared Kingfisher at Pulau Ubin. Will let you know the actual location when you are in Singapore and got orientated. As for Ruddy, it is rare and I believed it has occurred in Pulau Ubin before but I have not seen it there. See you soon.
Hi all,

Just read this post and like Digbert I will be in Singapore for a week this November and wish to spend a couple of days birding across the border in Malaysia including Panti Forest. Would appreciate to know how Digbert went as I am also looking for a guide that can assist in this area. Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.

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