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Parrot ID, Ambergris Caye, Belize 8th March 2023 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
No photos I'm afraid but anyone have ideas on a pair of flyover parrots? Not Olive throated Parakeets, def Parrot sp but Merlin app does not suggest any parrot species for Amergris Caye. Maybe Red lored or White fronted but not sure what they get on the Caye.
No photos I'm afraid but anyone have ideas on a pair of flyover parrots? Not Olive throated Parakeets, def Parrot sp but Merlin app does not suggest any parrot species for Amergris Caye. Maybe Red lored or White fronted but not sure what they get on the Caye.
I think ebird may be suppressing the records. There are some for yellow-lored parrot (for example) if you look at the detailed species maps. Unfortunately, one of the records so id'd was actually yellow-crowned amazon [ebird's yellow-headed]. But a 2020 record (photo) of an immature bird looks better.

Ebird also has white-fronted parrot not far from Belize border; yellow-crowned/headed ditto, and red-lored on the Caye itself. So you can't be sure without more info.
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