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Perthshire tips please (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I'll be spending a few days staying in Scone near Perth with family in August and hope to nip out for a few hours' birding at some point. I was thinking about a trip to Loch of the Lowes to see the ospreys - is there anything else to look for at that site?

Went to Vane Farm last time I was up there, which was okay. Also went to the Montrose Basin, but won't be able to go that far this time.

I've heard that the Tay estuary is very good for birding, what is/are the best site(s)?

Can anyone recommend any other good sites not too far from Scone/Perth?
If you go to the RSPB website and in the local groups section, go to the Dundee group, you will find a list of places in the local area. I volunteer at loch of kinnordy near kirriemuir which is a 40 min run from scone. Head north out of scone towards Glamis and Kirrie is signposted from there. Osprey, Marsh Harrier and many more. You will get good close views of the Osprey fishing in August.
Its me again,
There is a good walk at the bottom of Scone which takes you towards Perth. It takes you beside a stream, good for Dipper and Kingfisher, with a large wooded area on both sides. At the end of the walk approx 1.5 miles, there is a cafe for coffee before you turn round and head back.
I used to live in Scone and my parents still do.
Thanks for the tips, I may only get one brief trip out, so it looks like Loch of the Lowes or Kinnordy. Although I am trying to persuade my wife that we should take a drive across Rannoch Moor, which I assume is good for birds too?

Tentsmuir also looks good, can you tell me anything about that?
Tentsmuir is a good place to go. Crossbill, Stonechat, Wheatear, Buzzard, Waders, Eider ducks and many more.
From Scone, you go to Dundee and across the Tay Bridge, at the other end of the bridge turn left and follow signs for Tayport. Go through tayport and as you almost go out of the village, turn left signposted for the golf course. Go to the end of this road and turn right and carry on til you cant go any further. There is a bus terminus there so can park where you can. There is a small factory on the right and its usually ok to park in front of that.
Follow the path towards the wooded area and there you are!!
It depends on the tide as to what you'l see on the wader front. Lots of sand dunes etc
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