Sergio López Martín

Hello everyone! As I have already mentioned in other posts, I will be visiting Peru in the coming months. My trip will last about six months and, although I will try to visit different areas within the country, I will spend most of the time in the rainforest (specifically, in Manú National Park). Because of this, and the fact that I will be there during the rainy season, I would like to ask you for advice (especially those of you with experience in rainforest birdwatching and photography under these environmental conditions) about the photographic equipment I should carry with me during this trip.
Currently, I have the following photographic equipment (the combination I use the most during my birding trips is the one marked in bold):
-Nikon D5300
-Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX 18-55 mm f:3.5-5.6G VR II
-Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
-Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR
This equipment has accompanied me to other rainforest areas such as Costa Rica or Yucatán, although during much shorter trips. However, since this equipment is already old and worn out, it is not waterproof and I have a big trip ahead of me, I am thinking about buying a new photographic equipment. I would like to find something that has at least similar features to the ones of my current equipment (especially the one marked in bold), although including if possible the new technologies that have emerged in the last years (mirrorless cameras, etc.). In addition, here is a list of other important features I would like to have in my new equipment:
-A waterproof equipment, so that I can take pictures under the rain without any problem. This is an indispensable feature due to the nature of my trip.
-My budget is of approximately 2000 euros. I prefer not to buy second-hand equipment or to buy from unofficial sites.
-Finding a new equipment that is compatible with my current lenses would be a great point, although not essencial. In fact (although I would prefer not to do it), I am considering the option of selling my current equipment to slightly increase my budget.
-Low light conditions have always been an issue in my rainforest trips. The more the new equipment avoids this problem, the better (although I know that the more luminosity you get, the higher the price is).
-As I have already mentioned, I would like to buy at least one new camera and a new telephoto lens. I would prefer the two to be compatible, in order to avoid spending more money on adapters.
-Any other recommendations? I don't know if I should carry a tripod with me or not. I know it would be a good idea for those lower light situations, but the less gear I carry the better (I have never carried a tripod on my previous trips, although I am open to suggestions and may start a new post about it). On the other hand, if all of the above is unfeasible due to my budget, I have in mind the option of using a raincover for my current equipment. Once again, I have never used this type of solution, but it doesn't seem comfortable for long hikes or treks. In addition, since my current gear is old and worn out, I believe it would be a big risk to rely only on these protective plastics.
In any case, any help is welcome. I have been disconnected from the world of photography for a long time, as I bought my current equipment almost ten years ago and I have barely looked at any new information since then. Thank you all for your help and for reading this far, best regards!
P.S.: I am not sure if I should post this here. Sorry if it is not the right place.
Currently, I have the following photographic equipment (the combination I use the most during my birding trips is the one marked in bold):
-Nikon D5300
-Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX 18-55 mm f:3.5-5.6G VR II
-Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
-Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR
This equipment has accompanied me to other rainforest areas such as Costa Rica or Yucatán, although during much shorter trips. However, since this equipment is already old and worn out, it is not waterproof and I have a big trip ahead of me, I am thinking about buying a new photographic equipment. I would like to find something that has at least similar features to the ones of my current equipment (especially the one marked in bold), although including if possible the new technologies that have emerged in the last years (mirrorless cameras, etc.). In addition, here is a list of other important features I would like to have in my new equipment:
-A waterproof equipment, so that I can take pictures under the rain without any problem. This is an indispensable feature due to the nature of my trip.
-My budget is of approximately 2000 euros. I prefer not to buy second-hand equipment or to buy from unofficial sites.
-Finding a new equipment that is compatible with my current lenses would be a great point, although not essencial. In fact (although I would prefer not to do it), I am considering the option of selling my current equipment to slightly increase my budget.
-Low light conditions have always been an issue in my rainforest trips. The more the new equipment avoids this problem, the better (although I know that the more luminosity you get, the higher the price is).
-As I have already mentioned, I would like to buy at least one new camera and a new telephoto lens. I would prefer the two to be compatible, in order to avoid spending more money on adapters.
-Any other recommendations? I don't know if I should carry a tripod with me or not. I know it would be a good idea for those lower light situations, but the less gear I carry the better (I have never carried a tripod on my previous trips, although I am open to suggestions and may start a new post about it). On the other hand, if all of the above is unfeasible due to my budget, I have in mind the option of using a raincover for my current equipment. Once again, I have never used this type of solution, but it doesn't seem comfortable for long hikes or treks. In addition, since my current gear is old and worn out, I believe it would be a big risk to rely only on these protective plastics.
In any case, any help is welcome. I have been disconnected from the world of photography for a long time, as I bought my current equipment almost ten years ago and I have barely looked at any new information since then. Thank you all for your help and for reading this far, best regards!
P.S.: I am not sure if I should post this here. Sorry if it is not the right place.