Heard it earlier today, 20.03.2022 in a wet valley of the island of Ibiza (Es Broll de Buscastell).
Birdnet identified it "almost certain" as a P. ibericus, but then, we all know Birdnet suggests funny odd things sometimes. However, back home I've done some research and actually the call of the P. ibericus sounds just like what I heard.
I've tried attaching a sound file (first time I try doing this in Birdforum, my apologies if this didn't work properly). Sound quality is pretty awful (smartphone), but I think you can hear the constant beep. The sound was a little mellower, and I'd say that it ended up with a very slightly lower pitch than the recording, otherwise extremely similar to other recordings of P ibericus I've been able to locate. I'm not aware of other similar call. What do you make of it? Maybe another warbler might be the culprit?
Thanks for any input!
View attachment P_ibericus_audio.mp3
Birdnet identified it "almost certain" as a P. ibericus, but then, we all know Birdnet suggests funny odd things sometimes. However, back home I've done some research and actually the call of the P. ibericus sounds just like what I heard.
I've tried attaching a sound file (first time I try doing this in Birdforum, my apologies if this didn't work properly). Sound quality is pretty awful (smartphone), but I think you can hear the constant beep. The sound was a little mellower, and I'd say that it ended up with a very slightly lower pitch than the recording, otherwise extremely similar to other recordings of P ibericus I've been able to locate. I'm not aware of other similar call. What do you make of it? Maybe another warbler might be the culprit?
Thanks for any input!
View attachment P_ibericus_audio.mp3