I'm retired and got to thinking about all the great birds I saw as a kid and decided to get a few feeders to see what would come by . I got 4 and positioned them off my backporch and on the railings . Well they came and they were incredible . Sometimes they would wait for me to come refill the feeders . They came daily some days a few , someday many . I have a neighbor I'm not friendly with , I tried many times over the years but I could tell for some reason the guy just didn't care for me . Fine , no harm, no foul . Our backyards are sort of adjoined separated by fences and a few other neighbors yards in between . We can all see each other in our backyards and I'm higher than them and look down on them . Well one afternoon on the backpack he saw me called to me and asked to talk . I told him I'd be right overand as I exited my house he was already standing out front . He introduced himself first time ever then asked kindly to stop feeding the birds , he said they were crapping on his deck . Now I'm puzzled , there was no crap on my deck , on my car underneath the deck . Nothing I can see on any other neighbors decks and the birds never seem to come from his direction or fly towards him. Now I agreed to difuse and be nice . I stated I've got one more big brand new bag of feed , would you mind if I used it then I won't order anymore . And he said no , I'd rather you didn't. That was last year , I seen this bag of feed for a year and no birds . Now I'm planning on relocating and wanting to see the birds and get rid of the feed at the same time I put the feeders back out . I hid them so he won't see the feeders but I'm really hoping the birds come back . Is there any law or housing regulation I'm breaking . I'm not looking for trouble , researched a little on the issue and do not think I'm violating and code or policy but just want to be able to qui kly come back at him with legitimate response to anything he may say or do .
Sorry for being so long winded but just thought all the story would make answering or offering advice easier
Westchester , New York
Sorry for being so long winded but just thought all the story would make answering or offering advice easier
Westchester , New York