Any idea where I could buy some of these? Seem to be missing from their Aliexpress store. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Good Morning,Thank you Neil.
Any idea where I could buy some of these? Seem to be missing from their Aliexpress store. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Plus 19% taxes in Germany.Plus £25 delivery.
Thanks. I know nothing about the Sky Rover company, or whatever company is backing them. Do you see it as another potential Zen Ray, or is the Sky Rover company legit?Build quality, if mechanics work, is certainly competitive in the class $ 500 and above.
Finish (body armour, joins, gaps etc.) is good, the focus wheel is nicely finished, the eyecups with clickstops are not perfect but work well.
I have already talked about focus and diopter, but that was about my own sample.
Let me say it this way: if quality control eliminates faulty and „sloppy“ samples, this binocular appears overall well built. No long time experience yet, of course, but if the Sky Rover holds up over time, with optics as we have seen them now, this thing will be a success.
Yes. It is a division of famous KUO (Kunming United Optics), China‘s largest optics manufacturer.or is the Sky Rover company legit
Basically, from what I’ve read in multiple reviews, it seems the general consensus is that the optics in these are at least fully the equal of the EL and NL, not almost, but fully, is that correct ?My own experience with the Sky Rover, for what it‘s worth:
I will have to do much more detailed comparisions with top end European binos (including EL / SV / SF) to confirm this, but yes, so far, based on my cursory examination of the Sky Rover, I consider its optics equal, meaning that the correction of aberrations, control of stray-light, color fidelity, image brightness, sharpness / contrast and size of FOV are on an similar level.Basically, from what I’ve read in multiple reviews, it seems the general consensus is that the optics in these are at least fully the equal of the EL and NL, not almost, but fully, is that correct ?
To say that this statement is a WOW moment, would be an understatement imho.I will have to do much more detailed comparisions with top end European binos (including EL / SV / SF) to confirm this, but yes, so far, based on my cursory examination of the Sky Rover, I consider its optics equal, meaning that the correction of aberrations, control of stray-light, color fidelity, image brightness, sharpness / contrast and size of FOV are on an similar level.
Until it needs service, LOL. (I have to give credit though, that was a very good play on words).
Ho il Fuji, se 7,7 gradi contro 9,3 sono pochi..Oltre che più corretti..Più del 19% di tasse in Germania.
582,13€ + 35,36€ spedizione = 617,49€ x 0,19 (IVA) = 117,32
617,49 + 117,32 = 734,81€ in totale.
Per quel prezzo valuterò sicuramente altre opzioni. Sono 200€ in più rispetto a quanto ho pagato per la mia Fuji HC 8x42 Made in Japan. Per qualche grado in più di FoV? NO.