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Pros and Cons of bird live cam/ chat on youtube (1 Viewer)

I'd be really interested to hear from people who watch and chat in Bird live cams on youtube? I've had both good and bad experiences with viewers, some of which i just find bizarre.
Hi Kelly and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I only regularly watch one live webcam and that's the one from the Osprey's nest at Loch of the Lowes. I never join in any chats on line.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
I watch lots of bird cams, mainly when it is dark and rainy outside. Never join in with the chats, don't really see the point.
I watch lots of bird cams, mainly when it is dark and rainy outside. Never join in with the chats, don't really see the point.
I can understand that but on the other hand, so many of us learn so much just by exchanging information with one another, it also creates more of a community which can serve to encourage others to support and appreciate the conservation and respect of wildlife, however i wondered if anyone else had experienced the downside of these chats like i have, and some of the bizarre rules for example there's a lot of biased, hierarchy that happens at first it's subtle then it becomes a bit suffocating. I cannot tell if some people behave so uptight and regimented to overly please the moderators on these chats, it can make me cringe. Yesterday i mentioned how a bald eagle eaglet when looking dead on into the camera resembles a little teddy bear....i was promptly told my comment will only confuse people and shall be deleted haha! Some people who have been on there longer are allowed scope when it comes to going completely off topic and others are not, even when its still about wildlife!
Hi there and a warm welcome to you . (y)
We're glad you found us and please join in wherever you like ;)
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