The pics are for three different birds. 4715 is one. 4860, 4861, and 4863 are a second bird. 4866 is a third. The first was near Fuente Raices, the second and third near Casa Rosa on the same coast. These were all taken this April in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
For the last two (4662 and 4681), I was wondering if this was a Greater Antillean grackle without tail feathers. The second photo isn't very good, but I wanted to show its size next to a Rock Dove.
I picked up quite a few new birds for me. Greater Antillean grackle, Zenaida dove, White-winged dove, Brown pelican, and Helmeted Guineafowl (plus whatever these I am asking about are). Thanks
The pics are for three different birds. 4715 is one. 4860, 4861, and 4863 are a second bird. 4866 is a third. The first was near Fuente Raices, the second and third near Casa Rosa on the same coast. These were all taken this April in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
For the last two (4662 and 4681), I was wondering if this was a Greater Antillean grackle without tail feathers. The second photo isn't very good, but I wanted to show its size next to a Rock Dove.
I picked up quite a few new birds for me. Greater Antillean grackle, Zenaida dove, White-winged dove, Brown pelican, and Helmeted Guineafowl (plus whatever these I am asking about are). Thanks