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Puerto Rico mid to late October (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Help! I have Herbert Raffaele's A guide to the Birds of Puerto RIco and the Virgin Islands. It has some bird-finding information in there in addition to the bird guide but despite its crisp new-looking condition it's dated 1989. Any more current suggestions/ideas out there? I'm leaving real soon. Thanks.
For Locations, check out Blake Maybanks excellent repository http://maybank.tripod.com/Caribbean/Caribbean-Index.htm. There is a number of endemics that should pretty much stay in the same area year-round. You additionally have the possibility of getting some migrant warblers and shorebirds: for the latter, there is an area around a lighthouse in the SW corner (sorry, cannot remember the name) that is supposed to be great. When I was there around may 1, I was a little disapointed by El Yunque, birds seemed scarcer there than at the western end of the island; however, El Yunque is so far your only chance for a PR Parrot.

Thanks, folks

I'm leaving soon so couldn't order the book/CD Rom suggested although it looks like a good one if a similar invitation falls into my lap with more time to plan. I've printed out a number of the trip reports and I hope that in concert with the Raffaele book I should be able to see a few good ones.

njlarsen said:
For Locations, check out Blake Maybanks excellent repository http://maybank.tripod.com/Caribbean/Caribbean-Index.htm. There is a number of endemics that should pretty much stay in the same area year-round. You additionally have the possibility of getting some migrant warblers and shorebirds: for the latter, there is an area around a lighthouse in the SW corner (sorry, cannot remember the name) that is supposed to be great. When I was there around may 1, I was a little disapointed by El Yunque, birds seemed scarcer there than at the western end of the island; however, El Yunque is so far your only chance for a PR Parrot.

I had just one day on PR a few years ago and got in touch with a local birder Jose Colon. He was great - showed us round and found us a lot of birds. I have since seen his name as a bird guide so it would be worth contacting him.

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