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Question About Birding Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
I see that Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (National Botanical Gardens) in Kuala Lumpur are a good birding location in general. I have perused the various eBird checklists. However, I am wondering if anyone can give more specific information about the areas of the park that tend to be best for certain species or which trails might be most worthwhile?

Also, is it correct that the park opens at 7:30am and is easily accessible by public transportation or Grab.

I have never been there before, but hope to make a future visit

Thank you,
Hi Michael, it's one of my local patches - park opens at 0730, and closes before dusk, daily. There are various tracks and trails - heading towards the 'agro-forestry' (track to left after entrance) tends to be good, otherwise head directly north, and take the tracks heading north-east, beyond the lake.

It's very pleasant birding, especially in the winter, with quite a number of wintering migrants.

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