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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Razor HD Wow (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
My wife ok’d purchase of new Vortex Razor for Christmas. Am so very pleased with this new scope. We are down in Florida visiting family and friends so got to try it out at my old stomping ground FT DeSoto Park. Was seeing detail of flocks of Redheads out in bay I never had before with my old Celestron. Could easily go through flock in order to check if anything beside redhead was in the group. Cant wait to look for waterfowl back on the big impoundments in Tennessee :t:
I'm considering one of these too. Someone semi-locally has one new in the box for $1275. Torn between this or saving a little while for Harpia or Swaro.
I'm considering one of these too. Someone semi-locally has one new in the box for $1275. Torn between this or saving a little while for Harpia or Swaro.

My friend has a Harpia and I have purchased a Razor.
I would say that there is well reason to save up to a Harpia as it outperforms the razor quite significantly.

On medium distance (27-45 zoom) both scopes are sort of equal and I even better like the 27x zoom on the razor more than on the Harpia since the image feels slightly distorted, the vortex image is veeery clear and got vivid colours and a wide focus range.

But as soon as you want to target birds at a greater distance... I really struggle to find that clarity at 60x zoom and the focus range is very small, sometimes you'd just zoom out again and enjoy the clarity of the shorter range. I compared it to the Harpia and at 75x zoom (!!!) you could easily find that clarity and sharpness that you can only find on the brighest of days with the razor.

If you're not very limited by money, go for the Harpia. Else, I find the Razor a perfect scope given that the warranty works.
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