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Recommendation please. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
What everyday lens would you guys recommend in the 18-70 mm range? It is high time I upgraded my Cannon kit lens.

Thanks in advance.

Depends on your budget and really what you want to use the lens for.
If you have a full frame body and prepared to pay the money the 24-70 f2.8 lens is great and even the non Canon versions can be good such as the Tamron version would be a good portrait lens while still being useful for landscape work.
The 24-105 is a great all-round lens and allows for most situations.
For landscape the 16-35 lens is a great lens.

Full frame then a 24-70, ideally the Canon F2.8 V2. APSC then perhaps a 15-85 or 17-55 F2.8?

Don't forget to try out the Canon 16-35 F4 L IS too!
For what it's worth I find my 16-35 F4 L IS works well with my 7D2 but the focal range is a bit limited - very nice lens though!
I have only ever had crop bodies 40D and now a 750D I have a 10-24mm Sigma lens that I find great for landscape work and the good old nifty 50 for portraits plus the 70-200 f4 (if I was doing more portrait work I would maybe go for the f2.8, the Sigma/Tamron versions can be just as good in respect to image quality but the focusing speed is not as quick as Canon glass)

The Canon 18-135 USM for crop cameras is supposed to be a great do-everything lens. Be sure it is the USM version (there are 3 of the 18-135s). That's equivalent to a 28-200mm, which is really all you need except for birds, wildlife, or high 3d perspective wide angle.

Not to be flippant, but you could also switch to the Sony RX100VII (24-200mm equivalent) in a small point-and-shoot format. The Canon lens is $600 new. If you sell your Canon gear, you could afford the Sony at $1200. Something to think about! Or, you could get that Canon lens used for $400.

Personally, I'd rather carry something like the Sony for walk-around and the DSLR for action with a long lens like a 150-600 or 400. The 18-135 is 515g, whereas the RX100VI is only 302g w/ battery & sd card. So, it weighs less to carry the Sony than to carry a second lens (at least the 18-135 USM), and there's no lens switching. And the RX100VII is probably better for action at closer range than the 7d2 (20fps, amazing AF).

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