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Recommended Bird Guide(s) for Malaysia (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
A friend who is resident in Malaysia has asked if I can recommend a particular bird-guide book for his part of the world. He has used "A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia" by Craig Robson to date, but finds some of the taxonomy slightly confusing. I would be grateful for any recommendations.
He has used "A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia" by Craig Robson

Which one? That could refer to first full edition (2000), the compact edition (2005), or the second full edition (2008). The last has the most up to date taxonomy.

There is also A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore by Jeyarajasingam, 2d ed. 2012. Plates aren't great and there are no range maps (as with Robson), but it has a lot of textual info, including some local info on distribution in Malaysia. Taxonomy is rather dated though, mostly following Howard & Moore 3d ed. (2003). I found it to be a useful supplement to Robson.

That's really about all there is to choose from.
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