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Replacement feeder base (1 Viewer)


New member
I have a favorite (somewhat egg-shaped) glass feeder for which I'd like to find a replacement base. The original threaded base was a plastic 4-port. No perches, and not very wide like some bases. This base had 4 upward slanted stems for the ports, where the petals/guards snapped into. I can't find any brand info. I think I may have purchased it at Lowe's a number of years ago. The outside diameter of the threaded glass is 1.3125" (1 and 5/16 inches). I thought of using a single-port stopper, but I prefer a multi-port base. The base doesn't need to be original, so long as it works. I'd prefer a metal base if available and it lasts longer. I'd appreciate any help/advice you can offer.


  • IMG_20200509_001856701-02.jpg
    110.3 KB · Views: 17
I have a favorite (somewhat egg-shaped) glass feeder for which I'd like to find a replacement base. The original threaded base was a plastic 4-port. No perches, and not very wide like some bases. This base had 4 upward slanted stems for the ports, where the petals/guards snapped into. I can't find any brand info. I think I may have purchased it at Lowe's a number of years ago. The outside diameter of the threaded glass is 1.3125" (1 and 5/16 inches). I thought of using a single-port stopper, but I prefer a multi-port base. The base doesn't need to be original, so long as it works. I'd prefer a metal base if available and it lasts longer. I'd appreciate any help/advice you can offer.
I would take the feeder to a store that sells a variety of feeders, such as Wild Birds Unlimited , Lowes, Home Depot or WalMart and see if any of the bases are similar. Buy the one that fits.
Saw my first hummer of the season this morning. I was surprised! We had a freeze warning last night. We don't have a nectar feeder out yet. Planning to have one out tomorrow. The hummer was checking out a red plastic feeder I use to serve mealworm.
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I would take the feeder to a store that sells a variety of feeders, such as Wild Birds Unlimited , Lowes, Home Depot or WalMart and see if any of the bases are similar. Buy the one that fits.

I agree. That would be your best alternative.
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