Yep. That the kind of situation where a stabilized binocular kills every muggle binocular, no matter how good it is. I find I can get more detail on a bird with the lowly Canon 10x30 than with any alpha in such conditions. Easily.
BTW, I hope you got the tern ...

What was it?
True. And I personally don't understand why Leica, Swarovski and Zeiss don't put some real effort into making decent stabilized binoculars. For real birding or any other pursuit where seeing detail is paramount (rather than just admiring the "beauty of a perfect view" that seems to be in vogue with some posters here) stabilized binoculars are the future. Non-stabilized binoculars are the dinosaurs of the optics world.
You can see more DETAIL with an IS binocular, but the image QUALITY is nowhere near a normal alpha roof or even a mid-level roof, IMO.
I have compared the view of birds through many IS binoculars including the Canon 10x30 IS and even the Canon 10x42 IS-L to say a Swarovski NL 8x32 side by side and the view through the Canon's even though it was steadier did not compare to the overall quality of the view.
The IS binoculars are all lacking in contrast and accuracy of colors, and that to me is what makes observing a bird so remarkable. The plumage of a bird through an IS binocular is just sorely lacking compared to even a mid-level normal roof prism binocular.
I would look at a bird through an alpha roof, and it would just wow me, and then I would switch to the Canon and I couldn't believe I was looking at the same bird, it was a total let down.
There is no way a $500 Canon 10x30 IS can compare to the optics in a $3000 Swarovski NL, nor even approach the image it produces.
Plus, every IS binocular I have used has artifacts and focuses and refocuses to a certain extent, which is just enough to spoil the view and negate the advantages of the IS system.
Even Allbinos didn't score the Canon 10x30 IS II that high at 140.2. If it was ranked with the normal 10x42 binoculars, it would be about 42nd place, along with the Bushnell Elite 10x42. If it wasn't for the IS system, the Canon 10x30 IS II would be a very below average binocular.
The Canon 12x36 IS III isn't much better. It only scored 143.6 which is pretty pitiful even for a normal binocular. It is sorely lacking in contrast.
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The best binocular tests on the net. The comprehensive database of binoculars with their parameters and users opinions. Interesting articles and comparisons.
The best binocular tests on the net. The comprehensive database of binoculars with their parameters and users opinions. Interesting articles and comparisons.