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RFI - Dipper and Mink (1 Viewer)


Mostly Mammals
Any advice where to find dipper and mink in the area as I will be down in a few days and would like to see these.


Any river in the south wales valleys has dippers they should be pretty easy. As for mink.... i've seen them on the river usk a few times. Just out of interest, why do you want to see mink?
As Luke said Dippers are quite commonplace around here.Mink can be seen on both the Usk and Wye rivers and are also seen at the Newport Wetlands quite regularly.
shouldn't be many left at Newport Wetlands.. ;)

I used to walk the river Usk alot a few years ago and only came across a mink once. They are fairly elusive, so i am not sure it would be worth the time and effort looking, but its a lovely part of wales so that could make up for the lack of mink.
I can understand the interest as although Mink are definitely not a welcome addition to our river habitats they are quite cool to see. Dippers are really fantastic to see and would love to see them again - I saw some on the river Lyn when I visited Exmoor a few years ago in my pre-birdwatching days. That really was a thrill and it was worth the trip just to see those!
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