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Rye Harbour (1 Viewer)

Original PaulE

Well-known member
United Kingdom
It's that time of year when Rye Harbour really comes alive as the Terns and Gulls come back to breed, we visited yesterday, lot's of Sandwich Terns and Common Terns even a few Little Terns as well, which are always a favourite. I found a Little Stint, but despite my excitement at finding anything myself, turns out it had already been discovered, day ago, denied!! Must have missed it on Birdguides! Lots of waders, especially Dunlins and Ringed Plovers, a nice breeding plumage Turnstone, close views of Bar-tailed Godwit and what I'm 99.9% sure is a Curlew rather than a Whimbrel but happy to be corrected! Lots of Sedge and Reed Warblers about and the ever comical Marsh Frogs, they remind me of the laughing policeman of olden times!! Lovely weather and the cafe had Gluten Free Cake which was delicious. Highly recommend going if you are anywhere near! Loads more pics on the blog at the link!!

Fantastic read and photos brings back so many memories and shows how the reserve has changed since I worked there (90-97) - Avocet were a rarity and Med Gulls though annual in small numbers hadn't started to breed yet and flat beach looked nothing like that but did hold a huge Whimbrel roost in the spring (500+ from memory leaving at dawn)
Fantastic read and photos brings back so many memories and shows how the reserve has changed since I worked there (90-97) - Avocet were a rarity and Med Gulls though annual in small numbers hadn't started to breed yet and flat beach looked nothing like that but did hold a huge Whimbrel roost in the spring (500+ from memory leaving at dawn)
500 Whimbrels would be a sight to see! Numbers of Med Gulls seemed down from the last few years,but maybe they were on the furthest islands from the hides. It is always a good visit!!
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