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scotland (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
i am planning a short trip to scotland possibly this weekend and hope to see golden eagle, goshawk, white tailed eagle, black grouse, capercaillie and other interesting species such as crossbills, ring ousels, hen harriers etc.......my last trip to the south was ok but not much of a birding trip as such......

i will be most likely travelling by car and i live in east lancashire. i do not mind medium sized walks but i want to keep as close to the egland border as possible. i have never been scotland before....i have crossed over the border and thats it....

would love to visit an area full of bird life with cheap hotels around too...all advice greatly appreciated!
Of the species you list, white-tailed eagle and capercaillie are only found in the Highlands, and capercaillie is more or less impossible to see at this time of year anyway. The other species can all be found in the Galloway area, so I would agree that this might be your best bet.
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