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Scridifer's Bulgaria List (1 Viewer)


Used Registrar
Birds seen in Byala, Bulgaria unless otherwise stated. Lifers in Bold.


1) House Sparrow
2) Great Tit
3) Jay
4) Dunnock
5) Chaffinch
6) Blue Tit
7) Wren
8) Siskin
9) Coot
10) Great Cormorant
11) Yellow-legged Gull
12) Mallard
13) Black-necked Grebe
14) Linnet
15) Goldfinch
16) Blackbird
17) Starling
18) Sparrowhawk
19) Collared Dove
20) Great Spotted Woodpecker


21) Raven
22) Corn Bunting
23) Greenfinch
24) Redwing
25) Common Buzzard
26) Crested Lark


27) Brambling
28) Sombre Tit
29) Cirl Bunting
30) Reed Bunting
31) Quail
32) Marsh Tit
33) Skylark
34) Meadow Pipit


35) Common Kestrel
36) Magpie
37) Robin
38) Syrian Woodpecker

05/01/2022 Goritsa

39) Long-tailed Tit
40) Middle Spotted Woodpecker
41) Green Woodpecker
42) Nuthatch
43) Short-toed Treecreeper
44) Grey Heron

06/01/2022 Bliznatsi

45) Long-legged Buzzard

06/01/2022 Varna

46) Hooded Crow
That list is getting bigger and bigger Chris!

PS You might want to change the year dates on this list unless you can see into the future :)
So interesting to see the relative scarceness of birds across Europe. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker or Smew before Jackdaw really shows it
Skewed slightly by the sites I've visited (or haven't) so far to be fair Owene. I can expect to see all the woodies ( bar Three-toed and White-backed) on my doorstep but for some reason Jackdaw is rare here.

21/01/2022 Povelianovo marshlands

74) Common Shelduck
75) Common Gull
76) Gadwall
77) Peregrine Falcon
78) Common Snipe
79) Moorhen
80) Green Sandpiper

21/01/2022 Trustikovo reservoir

81) Great Black-backed Gull
82) Rough-legged Buzzard
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