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September Moths 2022 (1 Viewer)

Quite a good night's trapping on Friday for the time of year, 72 moths of 23 species. New for the year were Brown-spot Pinion, Black Rustic, Juniper Pug, Dark Marbled Carpet, Epinotia ramella and Epinotia trigonella whilst Ypsolopha paranthesella was new for the garden. Best of the rest were Canary-shouldered Thorn, Sallow, Plain Clay and a late Dotted Carpet. Aviemore, VC95.
Two nice moths to start my month - Latticed Heath on the 2nd was my first ever caught anywhere, and Rush Veneer (Nomophila noctuella) on the 3rd is just my second.
Rush Veneer is a regular migrant visitor to the trap here in South Hampshire.
Highlight of Friday's trapping session on the cliffs was ancylosis oblitella.

Dave W
Moths have dropped off like a cliff here in Michigan. iNaturalist shows 114 species this month, but it doesn't feel like it. 7 lifers, but feels like there are less and less of them on my sheets each night.
Hemlock Looper Moth

Stigmella nigriverticella (I think)

Zimmermannia bosquella (I think)

Goldenrod Leaffolder Moth

Fleece-winged Dart (not a lot of obserations on iNat)

Cross-striped Cabbageworm Moth

My favorite - Common Spragueia Moth. A little worn, so not as spectacular as they can be. Quite a bit north of normal range.
Just the one on the wall tonight beneath the halogen.👍


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Couple of year ticks yesterday morning, Feathered Gothic & Frosted Orange. Also the reappearance of several Carpet species that have been absent for a while - Spruce, Red-green, Garden & Flame (three of).


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Just Pale Mottled Willow and Copper Underwing last night with both being outside the pot, the former in the parasol (above) and the latter under the window ledge….with the pot bare! :(
Well if you are going to have just one moth fraxini is a great one to have, missed that one when I was living in the UK
FWIW Atropos, this moth was preceded eleven months earlier by my first ever, also during a heavy downpour, in the same place on the white wall beneath the Halogen then landing on the glass patio door.



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Envious Ken-still not seen one. Seem relatively common now, at least in the south.

Went to a local session in west London with 17 species captured with Straw Underwing most common. No migrants, 5 micro species included.
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