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SF Bay Area ID confirmation requested (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I took these photos just before noon on 2023-04-22 at Ed R. Levin County Park in the hills east of Milpitas, CA. Based on the Seek app, that suggested it was in the genus Myiarchus, and what I see in my bird guides, I'm guessing its an Ash-throated Flycatcher, but I'm not very familiar with Flycatchers, so I would appreciate a confirmation or correction.

Thanks for you help.


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It's certainly a Myiarchus, it's just that IMO the bill seems rather thick and the yellow on the belly a bit stronger than one would expect on Ash-throated, but maybe that's still within variation. The colour could also be influenced by the lighting.
It's certainly a Myiarchus, it's just that IMO the bill seems rather thick and the yellow on the belly a bit stronger than one would expect on Ash-throated, but maybe that's still within variation. The colour could also be influenced by the lighting.
Should only be ash-throated on range, I think. This ebird headline image is broadly similar, only slightly paler:
(but I see where you're coming from)
Yeah, the Ash-throated seemed to be the only one that frequents California, but the it was the yellowness of the belly that made me uncertain.
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