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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

SFL30 comments and experiences (1 Viewer)

Had anyone from USA who bought bino’s overseas submitted the Zeiss trade in new for old and get a rebate yet? The program ends this month.
Sorry to report Troubadoris has fallen badly on hard ground and broken her arm as well as being covered with horrific bruises. Her treatment and recovery will take precedence over spending time with the SFL 8x30 so it is likely the review will not be as comprehensive as promised.
Sorry to report Troubadoris has fallen badly on hard ground and broken her arm as well as being covered with horrific bruises. Her treatment and recovery will take precedence over spending time with the SFL 8x30 so it is likely the review will not be as comprehensive as promised.
There are many things more important than reviewing binoculars, wishing Troubadoris a speedy recovery!
Sorry to report Troubadoris has fallen badly on hard ground and broken her arm as well as being covered with horrific bruises. Her treatment and recovery will take precedence over spending time with the SFL 8x30 so it is likely the review will not be as comprehensive as promised.
Lee, I had hoped that silence indicated a wonderful time but from past experience should have known better. My wife took a fall last year with no apparent injury at all which I still consider very fortunate (her dance experience perhaps), and hope my tending to get ahead of her wasn't responsible for. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
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Once again thank you for all your kind words and good wishes which I have passed on to Troubadoris.

I should mention here that Troubadoris cannot of course handle a camera so the review will not be accompanied by photos showing the position of my hands, fingers and thumbs. Apologies especially to Brock.
Could anyone who owns the SFL (30s or 40s) tell me how wide the eye piece is (outer edge to outer edge)? My current binoculars are around 40mm and my pupils are just a little too close together to allow me to get them perfectly set without my nose getting in the way. Almost everything I look at has eye pieces just as large and I'm hoping that these are just a touch smaller due to their more compact nature. Thanks for any assistance.
Sorry to report Troubadoris has fallen badly on hard ground and broken her arm as well as being covered with horrific bruises. Her treatment and recovery will take precedence over spending time with the SFL 8x30 so it is likely the review will not be as comprehensive as promised.
Please pass on my wishes to her for a speedy recovery.
Could anyone who owns the SFL (30s or 40s) tell me how wide the eye piece is (outer edge to outer edge)? My current binoculars are around 40mm and my pupils are just a little too close together to allow me to get them perfectly set without my nose getting in the way. Almost everything I look at has eye pieces just as large and I'm hoping that these are just a touch smaller due to their more compact nature. Thanks for any assistance.
Eye piece is just about 40mm outer edge to outer edge. So, unfortunately same as your current binos.
Maybe the hinge on the SFL will work in your favor. I don’t have the SFL 30 so I can’t confirm ocular size.
Eye piece is just about 40mm outer edge to outer edge. So, unfortunately same as your current binos.
Maybe the hinge on the SFL will work in your favor. I don’t have the SFL 30 so I can’t confirm ocular size.
About 36mm for the SFL 8x30.
I finally managed to sell my virtually new 8x32 FLs (bought new in late 2019 and used very rarely). Not exactly at the price I had hoped for, but probably at a realistic price, considering how superb the SFL 8x30 model is. Before I packed the old ones up for shipping, I gave them some last comparative look-throughs. And just like the first comparative impressions, these last ones were consistent. The SFL 8x30 is so much brighter that one wonders where the light comes from. :) I'm still amazed, and I think these SFLs are truly mind-boggling for their size and weight. Sure, the eye-placement is a bit more critical, and if my priorities had not concentrated on size/weight, the 8x40 version would have been selected. But I have now used the 8x30 model almost exclusively for way over three months in the field without ever having wished for another one. (I still have three FL x42 models that I use from the house.)
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