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Singapore - May 2023 (1 Viewer)

Many thanks for another great report Pete. My first reaction is relief that I don't have to bird in that kind of oppressively humid heat any more! After that I have to admit you surprised me with the quality of birds Singapore has to offer - Great-billed Heron is not easy anywhere and the range of pigeons and exceeded my expectations. As and when I get back to Singapore the otters are also on my bucket list.

Many thanks for another great report Pete. My first reaction is relief that I don't have to bird in that kind of oppressively humid heat any more! After that I have to admit you surprised me with the quality of birds Singapore has to offer - Great-billed Heron is not easy anywhere and the range of pigeons and exceeded my expectations. As and when I get back to Singapore the otters are also on my bucket list.


Thanks for the kind works, Mike. I can definitely say that for anyone travelling through Singapore it is well worth at least a few days stop-over rather than a straight through transfer.
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