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Small green - yellow bird, England, UK (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
Last week a small bird landed on our patio and stayed a long time, at least until night fall, but probably longer.
It didn't want to fly and didn't want to eat either, just wanted to hide away so was not in direct view.
I gave it some water, expecting it to drink it, but it instead had a satisfyingly comprehensive bath in it!
I gave it some sunflower hearts which it liked.
Later on it did try to fly, but only 60cm / 2ft before landing in the same area.
It chose to stay the night in the wheel of a parked car!

I haven't seen one of theses birds before. And wasn't able to identify it using the on-line wizards.
Its small - smaller than a European Blackbird, but only just smaller.
Its colour is green - yellow, but mostly green. The tips of its wing feathers are black.
Its belly is green - yellow as well.
No particular marking around it's eyes.
Legs and beak are pink.
Beak is small but chunky.

Someone must know what it is because it has been ringed, with a bare aluminum ring on the left leg and a red ring on the right.
It wasn't able to get the numbers unfortunately.

In my search, I have crossed out; Serin, Warbler, Tree Pipit, Green Finch, Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer, Cirl Bunting.


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Hi Paddyluke,
I've just searched for Atlantic Canary, I think you are correct!
Thank you.
I'm just going to jump in here and wish you a warm welcome from those of us on staff here at BirdForum (y)
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