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Azan Khan

Well-known member
Hello everyone, hope you are well. Kindly help with ID of this snipe. The current proposal is Solitary Snipe (a winter migrant to the location) but we are not sure. I would really appreciate if you can provide key ID pointers because I'm very confused about it. Thanks in advance:)

Location: Borit, Gilgit-Baltistan, northern Pakistan
Date: 24 Dec 2022
Photos by: Usama Tabani


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Solitary Snipe - as Duncan mentions, bill shape is a key pointer, short and deep-based, but also check out the flank barring - largely white with distinct barring, whereas Wood is densely barred, extending across the belly. In addition, very different wing covert pattern - super densely barred barred on Solitary with a lot of mid-browns, whereas Wood shows more prominent white tips, largely lacking that earthy/mid-brown colouration.

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