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Some additional etymological information – Part I (1 Viewer)

No. 1 – princei in …
● Grey Ground-Thrush Zoothera princei SHARPE 1874: "This new species is dedicated to my old valued friend Mr. Edwin C. Prince, for more than forty years the faithful coadjutor of Mr. John Gould."
= the British naturalist and Secretary and business manager (to precisely John Gould): Edwin Charles Prince (1809–1874), born in London in 1809 ... died of bronchitis 1874 at his home in London, aged 65. More on him, see link (here).
Another link regarding the man behind (Geokichla) Zoothera princei SHARPE 1874; here
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"In 1875 Edwin C. Prince died. he had been Gould's highly-esteemed and devoted secretary and business manager for 45 years" (G. C. Sauer, 1982, John Gould The Bird Man. A Chronology and Bibliography, p. 149). Amelia A. Prince became Gould's secretary in 1876 (her first extant letter is dated 15 April of that year).
Or here (p.18) and BBOC 126 (No.3) 2006 (here) alt. here; "Prince died on 16 August 1874" or here; "… Prince died, on 14 August 1874", Dates differ, but at least August 1874 seems to be correct.

If further curious see: Lambourne, Maureen & Christine E. Jackson. 1993. Mr. Prince: John Gould's Invaluable Secretary. Naturae No. 4. Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies, Monash University

If of any use?
... Amelia A. Prince became Gould's secretary in 1876 (her first extant letter is dated 15 April of that year).
Letters of John Gould (kept in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas) here, has at least one letter they suspect is written by Amelia Prince, as early as 9th of April 1874.

Maybe she started earlier, simply helping Edwin Charles Prince at work?
Re. the Birth (year) of Johann Zelebor ...

After having revisited Herr Zelebor, and "his" (Plumbeous) Rail subspecies, I've noticed that something looks a bit fishy with my old entry, from (way) back in 2014, in post #1 (No. 2):

No. 2 – zelebori in …
● The subspecies Pardirallus sanguinolentus zelebori PELZELN 1865.
= the Austrian, Ornithologist, Conchyologist, Master Joiner ("Tischlermeister"), Hunter and taxidermist: Johann Zelebor (18151861), born 5th December 1815, in Eggenburg, Niederösterreich, Austria … and died in 1869.

See Obituary: von Pelzeln, A. 1889. Zur Erinnerung an heimgegangene Ornithologen. "Die Schwalbe": Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereines in Wien 13: 604- 606. (attached)

... which was (more or less) based on his Obituary (attached in post #1), written by the Author (Auctor) himself, August von Pelzeln, which told us:
Zelebor wurde am 5. December 1815 zu Eggenburg V. O. M. B. in Niederösterrerch [sic] geboren. ... [which ought to have been: ... zu (in) Eggenburg V. O. M. B. (= Viertel ober dem Manhartsberg) in Niederösterreich]

But ... maybe (?) it's time for a backstep, alt. an amendment ... ?

Thus, let's return to the OD itself, of ...

zelebori as in:
• the (Plumbeous) Rail ssp. Rallus/Pardirallus sanguinolentus zelebori VON PELZELN 1865 (here), as "Aramides Zelebori", no obvious explanation, nor any out-spoken dedication (at least not that I can spot), however, he's also mentioned in the Preface (Vortwort) here, and all over in this volume. As well as here (all in German).

In today's Key we find the following explanation:
Johann Zelebor (?1815-1869) Austrian zoologist, taxidermist, naturalist on the Novara Circumnavigation Expedition 1857-1859 (subsp. Pardirallus sanguinolentus).
... which is (rightfully) a bit more cautious, or slightly more hesitant (with a question mark) – in comparison to my own post, from back in 2014 (above).

But now I've noticed that in Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (Band 59), 1890 (here) we find his (exact) Birth as [my blue and bold]:
Zelebor, Johann (Naturforscher) [Naturalist] geb. [geboren/born] zu Eggenburg in Niederösterreich, ... 5. December 1819, gest. [gestirbt/deceased/died] in Wien 19. Februar 1869). ...

Hrrmmm ... :unsure:

Which one to trust?

Anyone who've seen an official Birth record
(or similar)?


PS. I guess we can all agree with August von Pelzeln's very first phrase in the Obituary:
Der Lebenslauf Johann Zelebor’s ist ein sehr eigenthümlicher. ...
Johann Zelebor’s life story is a very peculiar one.

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Anyone who've seen an official Birth record (or similar)?

In Wikipedia, he is presented as born on 5 Feb 1815, citing :

Dafert G. 2021. Johann Zelebor (1815–1869). Biographische Anmerkungen zu einem aus Eggenburg gebürtigen Zoologen. Das Waldviertel, 70: 113.​

...which can be downloaded here, and which tells us (p. 113, footnote 3) :
Angaben zu Geburt und zu seinen Eltern im Taufbuch der Pfarre Eggenburg, Eintrag zum 5. Februar 1815, und im Trauungsbuch, Eintrag zum 20. Februar („Hornung“) 1815, jeweils auf matricula-online. Die Kenntnis des korrekten Geburtstages von Johann Zelebor sowie des Geburtshauses verdankt man Prof. Burghard Gaspar, Eggenburg / Grafenberg, vgl. Burghard Gaspar, Johann Evangelist Zelebor. In: Stadtnachrichten Eggenburg, Winter 2015, S. 16 und Burghard Gaspar, Johann Zelebor. Ein Eggenburger Naturforscher und Ornithologe. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Bd. 32 (Wien 2016) S. 257.

This takes us to the baptism record here -- last entry on this page : "Jahr 1815", "den 5ten Februar", "Johann Evangl.", son of Ignatz Zelebor and Franziska Lüger/Lieger.
Note the second given name.
(His parents were unmarried; they got married on 20 Feb 1815, two weeks after his birth : "Dieses Kind ist per subsecutum matrimonium seiner Eltern den 20te Hornung 815 ehlich geworden." Marriage record here.)

His marriage (in Vienna, 10 Jul 1839) : here. Same birth date ("Geboren den 5. Februar 1815.").
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Wow! Thanks Laurent! (y)

So August von Pelzeln was (indeed) correct, all along, with "1815"!

Thus, no real good reason for my somewhat unwarranted post #47 ...

No longer any doubt, nor hesitation ... but it was worth checking it, having it confirming.

Better safe than sorry.

Thanks again.

Zelebor ... over and out!

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I notice on Zelebor's marriage certificate that the surname is spelled Zelibor (twice), and there is no mention of Evangelist. Do my poor eyes deceive me?
I notice on Zelebor's marriage certificate that the surname is spelled Zelibor (twice), and there is no mention of Evangelist. Do my poor eyes deceive me?

Your poor eyes are entirely right. ;)
The name is definitely spelled Zelebor (and the second given name definitely there) on his baptism record, however.
(The family name is, or at least looks like it is, also spelled once "Zelewor" on his parents' marriage record.)
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