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Hello, everybody! :)

Hope you all are doing well.

It's my first post showing my artworks here. I'm illustrator and even I've started drawing with traditional medium and most in realistic style, currently I illustrate birds in a "cartoon-ish" style. So it's always a lovely challenge to make a beautiful bird in a funny and cute little character.

I'll be sharing some of my illustrations of Birds that we find a lot here in Brazil:
  • Sabiá Laranjeira (Rufous Bellied Trush)
  • Bem Te Vi (Great Kiskadee);
  • Gralha Azul (Azure Jay);
  • Canário Amarelo (Yellow Canary);
  • Canário da Terra (Saffron Finch).

I also sell them in some stores as art prints, mugs, t-shirts and other products.
You can find the stores and my social media links here: julianamotzko | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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