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Some Urgent Help Needed - Unexpected & Active Bird Nest Prior to Work About to Start (1 Viewer)


United Kingdom
Morning all, first off whilst enthusiastic about bird life, I cannot be considered particularly skilled or knowledgeable in this area. That said I am needing some urgent guidance.

We have a building that was about to be moved and have found an active blackbirds nest. I will say up front, we know the legalities and will NOT be moving the nest until we see them hatched and flown.

The building in question is a large Children's Playhouse. It's been in position for years and unused in maybe 10 years. It was about to be deconstructed, refurbished and moved to the daughters place and a present for her son who turns 4 in 18 days.

We went to look at it yesterday and found a largish nest with 4 blue eggs in it. The nest is build inside on top of the front doors that were removed and put inside. The nest is north facing and fully under cover. I looked up the eggs on-line and best we can tell are blackbird eggs.

Not for a second thinking there was any activity, I lifted the nest (gently and whole) and then to our total surprise saw the eggs. We replaced the nest. I should say it was somewhat welded to the woodwork .... maybe mud or suchlike used to glue it? It appeared to 'refit' quite well.

We did a little reading and saw that we cannot move it. All fine and we won't be. But we also read that it's unlikely the mother will return to a moved nest. I say moved, it was lifted but relocated in precisely the same spot.

We have been trying to see if there is any nest activity but not confirmed that yet. We will watch further today. I have seen a blackbird (black in colour) often present in the apple tree above the house. I've not seen it go to the nest yet.

I could use advice please. How to be sure we have not affected the birds or if they are likely to have left. And what we can do in either situation.

If they are still active (which we hope) can anyone recommend a camera system we can carefully position to watch the birds. I say we, of course we have a 4 year old boy who's been told he will be getting a playhouse for his birthday who of course won't be now. I thought if we can install some cameras near the entrance or further back looking in, that could feed to a PC, or tablet or mobile phone, then we could make this part of the experience. I don't care about the cost and we have some wifi / wired resources that can be used. In fact we were considering doing this for the garden anyway.

I've looked at many on-line and most seem box linked which of course we cannot do. Others seem more like those trappers or hunters would use and take photos and send them via GSM connections. What I would like is something we can stick on a post some meters away looking in. And maybe on we can floor position looking up and that send video stream to a device .... As I say I'm not cost limited to do this (within reason of course) and see it as an opportunity.

We really could use some help from those with knowledge please. We are looking and reading but no clear answers are jumping out. Appreciate any time folks can put into helping us find the best way forward. And indeed trying to watch and record the event if the happiest way forward be possible.
Hi atacama and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I moved your post to the Cameras section where they can give you the technical advice that you require.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news. Good luck with the nest, please let us know what happens.
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This is the sort of thing you need

Hi Mono, and thanks for the reply.

No unfortunately not. That would great had they not made a fairly big nest already and indeed we will try a couple of them in a more proactive way for next year.

That said the cam itself could maybe be deployed separate of the box.

I think it might be more this sort of thing that can be put on a pole a couple of meters outside the house. Actually I should take and post a photo which would explain more ..... I will add this later today.

Ideally a camera that can act independently and send images to a mobile or tablet. This one has a sim card in it and sends images. Rather unpleasantly this example I think if used by people who hunt in the US but can have more acceptable uses fortunately.

But this one I believe only sends time stamped photos. Ideally I'd like decent quality video. We can get wireless or even a wired network cable to the camera.
This is the sort of thing you need

Apologies, I jumped to conclusions ..... in fact that could be very much the thing we need. I read more :) ....... and indeed has a PoE connection which is even better.

I think that might be the solution ..... a couple of these with long RJ45 cables to the shed which has a PoE switch in it.

I guess installation is a question of waiting until the mother is out of nest and being prepared and quick?
And some good news ..... we feared our new resident would have fled but seems to have stuck with the location and nest. Quite a relief if a huge delay to work :)
Welcome to Birdforum! I am sure that you will find lots to interest you here and I hope you enjoy your visits.
I’m glad you’ve sorted your problem and look forward to hearing how you get on.
Welcome to Birdforum! I am sure that you will find lots to interest you here and I hope you enjoy your visits.
I’m glad you’ve sorted your problem and look forward to hearing how you get on.

Many thanks Kits ..... yes they still busy at work out there, mother on the nest and dad fishing bits and pieces out the garden for the nest I guess.

Equipment ordered and should be here mid week. A little apprehensive at putting the cam in I will spy my opportunity.

And yes indeed, will let you know how we get on. Interesting developments over the last 24 hours :)
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