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SP-350 vs SP-500 (1 Viewer)

350 has 8mp while the 500 has 6mp. For one thing why would that be? I have always thought more was better, although I have an old C2000 2.1mp that absolutely smokes my daughters Fuji A345 4.1mp in pic quality. I assume the lens is part of that reason. But what would be the advantage/disadvantage of the 500 over the 350? Am looking to get one or the other. Love the C2000 but dropped it and broke the lens off!! |=(| Olympus will repair to new condition for $152 and a warranty but for $100 more I can get either the 350 or 500 if you shop around. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Hi Marc. See here :

If the SP-500 had a sensor as big as the SP-350 it would need a much larger, heavier (and more expensive) lens to keep its telephoto ability (380mm f3.7). The smaller sensor it has leaves less room for pixels all else being equal (I see the two models were exactly contemporaneous).

The SP-500 has the advantage of the telephoto ability. However it doesn't have image stabilisation so you may find a fair few handheld shots at maximum zoom suffer from camera shake. If long telephoto shots are a major intended use for your new camera, I see the dpreview recommends going with the Panasonic/Canon/Sony etc models.

The SP-350 doesn't have the big zoom, but it is smaller, lighter and may give better results in poorer light; indoors say. It may also be capable of taking reasonable pictures through a scope. Two problems with it identified in reviews (poor battery life and slow card writes) may have been solved by a firmware update and newer higher spec XD cards respectively.
Thanks for the info Norm! Some of those other cameras they suggest would be nice but the $3200 price tag's a little steep for this kid! But I can dream!! Thanks again.
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