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Stay-on case for Leica APO 65 scope wanted? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I am looking for a case for my relatively new Leica APO 65 scope. As Leica seem to have abandoned their own case, has anyone a used, nearly-new case available for purchase? The nearer to the newness, the nearer to the new price, £180, I am willing to pay........... A third-party alternative could be considered......... Can anyone help me?

I am looking for a case for my relatively new Leica APO 65 scope. As Leica seem to have abandoned their own case, has anyone a used, nearly-new case available for purchase? The nearer to the newness, the nearer to the new price, £180, I am willing to pay........... A third-party alternative could be considered......... Can anyone help me?

I’ve found that the Kowa and Pentax cases are nearly perfect matches for my Leica 65. If you’re willing to forego the appropriate name you have lots of options well short of £180.
I’ve found that the Kowa and Pentax cases are nearly perfect matches for my Leica 65. If you’re willing to forego the appropriate name you have lots of options well short of £180.
Thanks for your reply; it’s an alternative that I’ll be looking into....

Oooops! I forgot to mention that my scope is an angled 65. That may affect the choice off a suitable alternative.......
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I am looking for a case for my relatively new Leica APO 65 scope. As Leica seem to have abandoned their own case, has anyone a used, nearly-new case available for purchase? The nearer to the newness, the nearer to the new price, £180, I am willing to pay........... A third-party alternative could be considered......... Can anyone help me?

At the advice of someone else on the forum a few years back, I ordered a Snugfit Spotting scope cover made for the 62mm Leica Televid. It works fine on my Televid 65. The only tight spot is accessing both focusers, but I just use the one I can easily reach. I ordered mine off of Amazon, but the supplier does not have any in stock. However I found some available here:

Mine has no product markings or brand names on it. Not sure if you can get a 'stealth' version anymore. Best of luck.



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At the advice of someone else on the forum a few years back, I ordered a Snugfit Spotting scope cover made for the 62mm Leica Televid. It works fine on my Televid 65. The only tight spot is accessing both focusers, but I just use the one I can easily reach. I ordered mine off of Amazon, but the supplier does not have any in stock. However I found some available here:

Mine has no product markings or brand names on it. Not sure if you can get a 'stealth' version anymore. Best of luck.

Thanks for your reply, Bill. I've ventured onto the website you pointed me to. Sadly, there seems to be a downer there :

Will this fit a 65w angle apo televid

Expert Answer
No, it will not.

by Jonathan D., Gear Expert, December 31, 2019

So, as any transaction on that website involves dollars, I shall not be pursuing that lead

But, many thanks, for trying; I'll try the Pentax and Kowa alternatives, suggested earlier in the thread


PS I use the old stay-on-case for my Leica angled APO 62 which was "written off" by Leica as they did not have any spare parts for it. I needed to hack it about and it's held on to the 65 by rubber bands and the cover does not fasten, sitting only loosely over the eyepiece
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Thanks for your reply, Bill. I've ventured onto the website you pointed me to. Sadly, there seems to be a downer there :

Will this fit a 65w angle apo televid

Expert Answer
No, it will not.

by Jonathan D., Gear Expert, December 31, 2019

So, as any transaction on that website involves dollars, I shall not be pursuing that lead

But, many thanks, for trying; I'll try the Pentax and Kowa alternatives, suggested earlier in the thread


PS I use the old stay-on-case for my Leica angled APO 62 which was "written off" by Leica as they did not have any spare parts for it. I needed to hack it about and it's held on to the 65 by rubber bands and the cover does not fasten, sitting only loosely over the eyepiece
Odd. I purchased a snug fit version for the 62, and it does fit my 65. And this was based on advice from another Birdforum user.
I hope the other options bear fruit!
At last, I have managed to get hold of a Kowa C661 stay-on case and it’s a almost perfect fit for my Leica ‘scope; the only slight problem is getting access to the forward focussing knob. I have not yet tried it out in the field but it must be a vast improvement on the hacked about Leica 62 case held together by rubber bands………

So thank you for help, the previous correspondents on this thread, in solving my problem - and you’ve saved me the best part of £110!

Thanks MS

I Ordered one off the back of your last post, it arrived this morning and as you said, it fits almost perfectly. Only tried it in the garden overlooking fields and access to the both focus wheels was ok (via the unzipped eye piece cover rather than the flap) .

I didn't think I'd miss a case but it came to find the lack of some protection when throwing it in the back of the car rather annoying and then found looking for a Leica case very frustrating. The C-661 case completed an absolute bargain! After looking for a couple of years for a replacement for my v. old Nikon ED2 60mm Fieldscope I found the Leica scope and zoom eyepiece, new from a now ex UK Leica dealer at £1,125. Now topped off nicely with a functional case at less than a third of the Leica one-even if it were available!
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