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Suffolk visit (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Hi guys,
I am venturing down to Suffolk (staying at kessingland beach) tomorrow through until Monday, and plan to do a bit of twitching whilst down there so looking for some decent sites to visit with 20 mins of site. More specifically, some guidance for the sites would be great.. Ie. I discovered a reserve ( the name is lost) that has a hide on a wash area (not sure if that's what you call it) 10 mins to the south by car, but there is a notice saying a lot of the site is private land and I don't fancy getting lost/ shot by angry land owners...

Also some area- specific target species would be great... I live just north of Birmingham and don't visit the coast much but have only been twitching for approx 1 year so quite a newb... Would obv love to see the bearded guys though!!!!!

Any help appreciated
Hi guys,
I am venturing down to Suffolk (staying at kessingland beach) tomorrow through until Monday, and plan to do a bit of twitching whilst down there so looking for some decent sites to visit with 20 mins of site. More specifically, some guidance for the sites would be great.. Ie. I discovered a reserve ( the name is lost) that has a hide on a wash area (not sure if that's what you call it) 10 mins to the south by car, but there is a notice saying a lot of the site is private land and I don't fancy getting lost/ shot by angry land owners...

Also some area- specific target species would be great... I live just north of Birmingham and don't visit the coast much but have only been twitching for approx 1 year so quite a newb... Would obv love to see the bearded guys though!!!!!

Any help appreciated

Could it be Benacre Broad? There is one hide overlooking the site. It's worth the walk from Kessingland, where the beach has recently had Dotterel, Ring Ouzel and Hoopoe. Walk down the beach, past Kessingland Sluice and Benacre Pit (small area of water almost disappeared). At the far end of that pit is a track that heads inland past Beach Farm (Wryneck in paddock last week). From here either follow the beach or follow the path along the field edge (now inside the fence) to go along the cliff top. All along here potential migrants such as Wheatear and Whinchat etc. and still one Ring Ouzel present today. Eventually you'll come to the Benacre Broad and see the hide, the estate is private but it is a NNR. The beach does get breached so mindful of going to far side to the hide. The old way of accessing the site was parking at Covehithe and walking north but due to coastal erosion the path has disappeared and the landowners are not keen for people to go through which is where you might have seen the signs.

Look at these sites for bird news - Suffolk Birding with BINS and Lowestoft Lounge Lizards

For Bearded Tits best sites are Minsmere and Walberswick Marshes. At Walberswick park at Hoist Covert car park, follow the footpath opposite through the wooded area out to the marsh. Follow paths past the old windmill.

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