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Sulawesi first half of July 2023 (1 Viewer)

Jose Ramon

Well-known member
Hi all,

we are planning a fully guided bird tour to Sulawesi in the first half July 2023 with a local guide.

We are already four people (one lady and three gentlemen) and he may accept two more birders specially a lady if she wants to share the room with the other lady .

We will fly to Yakarta on the Saturday, 1st July arriving on the 2nd to Sulawesi.

We will fly back on the 15th to arrive back home on Sunday, 16th.

Of course, everyone is free to extend the tour by him/herself.

The itinerary is still under preparation but we will visit for sure Central Sulawesi (Lore Lindu NP) to try to get the endemic family of the Hyliocetrea and the North of Sulawesi around Manado (Tangkoko Park, Tomohon, Ganung Ambang,...). If we have time we may also visit the South near Macasar (Karaengta Forest).

The cost is still unknown. We will try to go in economical hotels and fly in low cost companies to try to keep the price low.

If any of you is interested, please send me a PM.

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