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Swaro 25-50WA on new Razor HD spotting scope (1 Viewer)


It's a well-known fact that the Swarovski eyepiece will fit in the old Vortex Razor scope. But I was looking at my new 85mm Razor HD scope and thinking about getting a Swarovski eyepiece for it. Will the 25-50 WA or 20-60 eyepiece fit in the new Razor HD? Thanks in advance

I also copied the link to each of them mentioned:

Vortex Razor HD 85mm : https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...d_27_60x85wa_spotting_scope.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
Swarovski 25-50 WA: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...i_49340_25_50x_W_Wide_Angle.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
Swarovski 20-60 : https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...culars_20_60x_zoom_eyepiece.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
It's a well-known fact that the Swarovski eyepiece will fit in the old Vortex Razor scope. But I was looking at my new 85mm Razor HD scope and thinking about getting a Swarovski eyepiece for it. Will the 25-50 WA or 20-60 eyepiece fit in the new Razor HD? Thanks in advance

I also copied the link to each of them mentioned:

Vortex Razor HD 85mm : https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...d_27_60x85wa_spotting_scope.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
Swarovski 25-50 WA: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...i_49340_25_50x_W_Wide_Angle.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
Swarovski 20-60 : https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/prod...culars_20_60x_zoom_eyepiece.html?sts=pi&pim=Y
Curious if you've had a chance to try Swarovski eyepieces on your Vortex scope yet? I have the first generation Vortex Razor HD 85mm scope with the dual-focus knobs, before they changed to the barrel ring focus. With the standard Vortex 20-60x zoom eyepiece. I had never heard of other brands of eyepieces being compatible with the vortex scope. Can anyone share their experience with 'off-brand' eyepieces on this scope? I think the vortex zoom eyepiece is outstanding already, but heck it would be cool to try others. Found this brief discussion of this topic, but not very in-depth:

Curious if you've had a chance to try Swarovski eyepieces on your Vortex scope yet? I have the first generation Vortex Razor HD 85mm scope with the dual-focus knobs, before they changed to the barrel ring focus. With the standard Vortex 20-60x zoom eyepiece. I had never heard of other brands of eyepieces being compatible with the vortex scope. Can anyone share their experience with 'off-brand' eyepieces on this scope? I think the vortex zoom eyepiece is outstanding already, but heck it would be cool to try others. Found this brief discussion of this topic, but not very in-depth:

i know the original Razor zoom eyepiece fits a Swarovski scope(y)
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