I have also had many, many moments I wish I could have captured by pressing a button on my binoculars, knowing that I would never be able to switch to a camera (which I almost always don't even carry) in time. Just yesterday a peregrine in pursuit of prey went by so close that it didn't just fill the frame of my 10x42, it exceeded it. But at the moment the weight penalty and image quality of the AX (how well does it do on fast-moving targets? Can it shoot in burst mode?) just isn't good enough for what I want.I've been grappling with a similar dilemma myself. I love the immersive experience of traditional binoculars, but I also want to capture those fleeting moments without sacrificing observation time. It's a tough balance to strike!
I don't doubt there will be (probably significant) advancements in this concept. I suspect the manufacturer that really gets it right might be eg. Sony who have the electronics expertise, and have a relationship with Zeiss which they can lean upon for optics and ergonomics.